On Пят, 19 сту 2024, Polavarapu Manideep Sai via FreeIPA-users wrote:
Hi Team,

Seeking an advice on migrating freeipa environment from centos 7 to Almalinux 9

Consider there are  4 servers 1 as IPA master and rest are replicas

 1.  master.ipa.example.com [centos 7.9 IPA 4.6.8]
 2.  Replica1.ipa.example.com [centos 7.9 IPA 4.6.8]
 3.  Replica2.ipa.example.com [centos 7.9 IPA 4.6.8]
 4.  Replica3.ipa.example.com [centos 7.9 IPA 4.6.8]

What is the best approach to migrate it to alma Linux 9

As we all know in place upgrade is not possible

Gone through below link, but still looking for an advice, what happens
to existing replicas and its ipa clients after promoting Almalinux 8/9
server as IPA master server? does replication work in case of higher
version of ipa master[4.10.2, Almalinux] and lower version of ipa
replica [4.6.8,Centos 7] ? any impact on functionality of existing
replicas servers of [centos 7.9 IPA 4.6.8]?


As I tested we can integrate ipa clients of lower version [4.6.8,centso
7]   to ipa-server of higher version [4.10.2, Alma linux]

As I tested we can't add replica of lower version[4.6.8,centso 7]  to
ipa-server of higher version[4.10.2, Alma linux]

Upgrade all your IPA servers to Alma Linux 8 first, then upgrade them
all to Alma Linux 9. There is no other way. It is related to security
and crypto policy improvements across RHEL 9.

/ Alexander Bokovoy
Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Security / Identity Management Engineering
Red Hat Limited, Finland
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