On 12/03/2024 12:27, Rob Crittenden via FreeIPA-users wrote:
I guess the newer version of Dogtag in RHEL 9 doesn't include this
"Link" attribute, but pki.cert:CertDataInfoCollection.from_json in RHEL
8 expects it to be present.

Thanks for doing the research, this is great! Any chance you can file a
ticket against the "Red Hat Certificate System" project at
https://issues.redhat.com/ ? I don't own this particular check.

Done at https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHEL-29137

Please check the component, it's definitely wrong but I don't know what the right value is.

I'd encourage you to run your entire topology on the same IPA release.
We recognize that this isn't always possible, or desirable immediately,
but the transition is hopefully kept short. I usually recommend weeks
not months.

Agreed, I'm way behind regarding getting my whole homelab running RHEL 9... ;)

Sam Morris <https://robots.org.uk/>
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