On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 1:58 PM Ian Kumlien <ian.kuml...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 11:39 AM Florence Blanc-Renaud <f...@redhat.com> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 10:06 AM Ian Kumlien <ian.kuml...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 10:36 PM Florence Blanc-Renaud <f...@redhat.com> 
> >> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > On Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 12:54 PM Ian Kumlien via FreeIPA-users 
> >> > <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> Hi,
> >> >>
> >> >> So i have spent quite some time trying to get out of the swamp that is
> >> >> centos stream 8 and back to something with a actual upgrade path,
> >> >> fedora =)
> >> >>
> >> >> Everything works except the ipa-ca-install on the replica - mostly
> >> >> fails at the same step
> >> >>
> >> >> At some point the conncheck failed, dropping me in to a prompt asking
> >> >> for the password of a admin-<machine> account
> >> >>
> >> >> Anyway, I do know about the issue with - vs _ and validated on master,
> >> >> changed on replica as detailed here:
> >> >> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org/message/IHIPPVMMIWV2TL7BNLW55XII3OIQ62HK/
> >> >>
> >> >> But it still fails..
> >> >>
> >> >> Oh and btw, none of the machines are running any firewalls =)
> >> >>
> >> >> Anyone that has a clue of what to test next?
> >> >>
> >> >> Btw, it's 4.9 to 4.11 if there is other issues with interoperability
> >> >>
> >> >> ipa-ca-install --skip-conncheck
> >> >> Directory Manager (existing master) password:
> >> >>
> >> >> Configuring certificate server (pki-tomcatd). Estimated time: 3 minutes
> >> >>   [1/28]: creating certificate server db
> >> >>   [2/28]: setting up initial replication
> >> >> Starting replication, please wait until this has completed.
> >> >> Update in progress, 7 seconds elapsed
> >> >> Update succeeded
> >> >>
> >> >>   [3/28]: creating ACIs for admin
> >> >>   [4/28]: creating installation admin user
> >> >> ipaserver.install.dogtaginstance: ERROR    Unable to log in as
> >> >> uid=admin-freeipa-4.xerces.lan,ou=people,o=ipaca on
> >> >> ldap://freeipa-1.xerces.lan:389
> >> >>   [error] NotFound: uid=admin-freeipa-4.xerces.lan,ou=people,o=ipaca
> >> >> did not replicate to ldap://freeipa-1.xerces.lan:389
> >> >>
> >> >> Your system may be partly configured.
> >> >> Run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --uninstall to clean up.
> >> >>
> >> >> Unexpected error - see /var/log/ipareplica-ca-install.log for details:
> >> >> NotFound: uid=admin-freeipa-4.xerces.lan,ou=people,o=ipaca did not
> >> >> replicate to ldap://freeipa-1.xerces.lan:389
> >> >>
> >> > The installation of a CA clone creates this user on the replica, lets 
> >> > the replication copy the entry on the master and then checks by doing a 
> >> > ldap bind from the replica to the master that the entry has been 
> >> > properly replicated.
> >> > When this error happens, it can either mean that the entry was not 
> >> > replicated or that the bind failed.
> >> >
> >> > In order to know exactly what is happening for you, you can check
> >> > - on the master freeipa-1.xerces.lan, do a ldapsearch for this entry and 
> >> > check if it exists. If the entry is present, the replication properly 
> >> > propagated the entry from replica to master and you are probably hitting 
> >> > the 2nd issue.
> >> > # ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -W -b 
> >> > uid=admin-freeipa-4.xerces.lan,ou=people,o=ipaca
> >> >
> >> > - on the replica, do a ldapsearch for this entry and check the 
> >> > userpassword attribute. It is base64-encoded, and you can decode it in 
> >> > order to find the password storage scheme that was used to encrypt the 
> >> > password.
> >> > For instance on my machine:
> >> >
> >> > dn: uid=admin-replica.ipa.test,ou=people,o=ipaca
> >> > userPassword:: 
> >> >  
> >> > NTmxFN3dCZHRRV1IxUTNxaTdKTXord2duLzIrc1NKMDZJbXhBeng5ZkR2VEIrMCsvQkZyMmRiL1pT
> >> >  
> >> > dy96YzdhNWlVNGVCYnZHem9FODM0VHpIbHBweS9UeFRhc0Facm81OG1iT05OaUdBbml1c3pVcE5nb
> >> >  
> >> > 055R3dLYkpqQzZQeEpNeStnUklOa2xaOHJjTHBQSkZLam9jR0UvQ1NoeWFQYWN0b1ZZQlZVWHAzM3
> >> >  
> >> > pyeWtZVlBIL0pIUjNQb2pnZnNUb2pRL2w5UWg1UGEwVjVVZ0VyUGpFK0dsNWtLS3FMaWE0d296Rk4
> >> >  
> >> >  
> >> > ZHVDZWRhWVUzZXZrS1hHcWx3alpTbEpPdkQ5SllJb0FHRlBwOXJERlJscU1MWEhUckx2aVoxTWgyM
> >> >  2Roa0hrR0VXM3pna3VuK2FIcnNvYUZMWWQwZi95NjlweDBRMzJvci9vOXBZV1F6S1ppNUFp
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > If I base64 decode the value:
> >> >
> >> > # echo 
> >> >  | base64 -d
> >> > {PBKDF2_SHA256}AAAIABYS+Xu1TBsoESr2KAYxFVGXdGYfMNlE7wBdtQWR1Q3qi7JMz+wgn/2+sSJ06ImxAzx9fDvTB+0+/BFr2db/ZSw/zc7a5iU4eBbvGzoE834TzHlppy/TxTasAZro58mbONNiGAniuszUpNgoNyGwKbJjC6PxJMy+gRINklZ8rcLpPJFKjocGE/CShyaPactoVYBVUXp33zrykYVPH/JHR3PojgfsTojQ/l9Qh5Pa0V5UgErPjE+Gl5kKKqLia4wozFN03z3f5pDfCFvNJ/BTGD4xircapVRTncM4AgLOBPBkhhVmolFAdvt9U1cVKduCedaYU3evkKXGqlwjZSlJOvD9JYIoAGFPp9rDFRlqMLXHTrLviZ1Mh23dhkHkGEW3zgkun+aHrsoaFLYd0f/y69px0Q32or/o9pYWQzKZi5Ai
> >>
> >> Yes, and the value is the same on both replicas, both the encoded
> >> base64 and the password scheme: {PBKDF2_SHA256}AAAIAGIHopZZSHY8.....
> >>
> >> Since I changed it as described in the link i included...
> >>
> >> > which means that the replica used PBKDF2_SHA256 as password storage 
> >> > scheme.
> >> > You need to check if this password storage scheme is supported on the 
> >> > master (we had issues in the past with a password storage scheme used by 
> >> > the replica that was not supported on the master and caused the bind to 
> >> > fail, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2151071). The list of 
> >> > supported password storage schemes is available with the following 
> >> > command:
> >> > # ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -W -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no -b 
> >> > "cn=Password Storage Schemes,cn=plugins,cn=config" -s one dn
> >>
> >> Yes, and they both support PBKDF2_SHA256 both as plugin and password
> >> storage scheme
> >>
> >> > If the replica is using a password scheme not supported on the master, 
> >> > you are probably hitting the above BZ. There were fixes for multiple 
> >> > versions of 389-ds, we would need to know your exact versions on the 
> >> > replica and the master to point you to the right advisory.
> >>
> >> 4.9.10 and 4.11.1
> >>
> >> (fedora is just now updating it to 4.11.1-2 will look at the changes)
> >>
> >> Anyway, thanks for the help so far, i can now see the account
> >> replicated but i don't quite understand why it doesn't work...
> >
> >
> > Your ipa-ca-install command failed at 2024-03-11T15:05:24Z. Can you check 
> > on the master around this date if there is a connection from replica to 
> > master with a BIND attempt that would be failing? The logs are in 
> > /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-YOURDOMAIN/access. Look for something similar to BIND 
> > dn="uid=admin-freeipa-4.xerces.lan,ou=people,o=ipaca". Then note the conn 
> > number and op number and look for the RESULT with the same conn and op, for 
> > instance:
> >
> > [13/Mar/2024:09:10:01.331583308 +0000] conn=106 op=2 BIND 
> > dn="uid=admin-replica0.ipa.test,ou=people,o=ipaca" method=128 version=3
> > [13/Mar/2024:09:10:01.355201520 +0000] conn=106 op=2 RESULT err=0 tag=97 
> > nentries=0 wtime=0.000106547 optime=0.023642452 etime=0.023744831 
> > dn="uid=admin-replica0.ipa.test,ou=people,o=ipaca"
> >
> >
> > The lines may be separated by other logs, and the err=xxx will show if the 
> > bind is successful or failed. err=0 means success, err=49 means invalid 
> > credentials.
> Yes, it does fail with invalid credentials...
> [11/Mar/2024:15:25:34.887970467 +0100] conn=118429 op=2 BIND
> dn="uid=admin-freeipa-4.xerces.lan,ou=people,o=ipaca" method=128
> version=3
> [11/Mar/2024:15:25:34.888893033 +0100] conn=118429 op=2 RESULT err=49
> tag=97 nentries=0 wtime=0.000265028 optime=0.000950489
> etime=0.001212411 - Invalid credentials
> Latest test, states
> [13/Mar/2024:10:41:45.063122671 +0100] conn=192008 op=2 RESULT err=49
> tag=97 nentries=0 wtime=0.000244892 optime=0.001078282
> etime=0.001320065 - No such entry
> I did remove it. as in uninstalled freeipa-4 removed the server and
> removed that account, just to make sure it was replicated properly...:
> [--8<--]

As a side node, the conncheck for ipa-ca-install fails all the time
now, when executing check on remote master it ends with this:
2024-03-14T07:42:26Z DEBUG Destroyed connection
2024-03-14T07:42:26Z ERROR ERROR: Remote master check failed with
following error message(s):
invalid 'cn': must be "freeipa-4.xerces.lan"
2024-03-14T07:42:26Z DEBUG Stopping listening thread.

Which seems really strange...
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