On Fedora 12, I un-installed 1.2 and then installed 1.9.

My clients could not log in. The server was logging the following message:
sssd_be: GSSAPI Error: The referenced context has expired (Unknown error)

Not being able to resolve the message I ran:
ipa-client-install --uninstall
ipa-client-install --no-sssd

With this second command I got:
Joining realm failed: Host is already joined.
Then I noticed that files like nsswitch.conf had not been updated.

So I ran:
ipa host-del ClientHostname
ipa-client-install --no-sssd

Thankfully this time nsswitch.conf got updated and I now have a working system. It would be nice if ipa-client-install still updated the client files even if the client had been previously added.

I very happy that I can now see what's going on with this important product.
I did not want to miss out on what the freeipa team was working on.


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