On Mon, March 28, 2011 15:24, Dmitri Pal wrote:
> On 03/28/2011 09:01 AM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:
>> On Mon, March 28, 2011 14:31, Dmitri Pal wrote:
>>> On 03/27/2011 06:14 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have written some scripts for migration from NIS/local files to IPA.
>>>> They will import the passwd, group, netgroup, and hosts  maps.
>>>> This is the first version, be aware of bugs. :)
>>>> Please read the README file before using.
>>>> You can download them from here if you are interested:
>>>> http://www.nixtra.com/ipa/NIS-TO-IPA-current.php
>>> Thank you for the contribution!
>>> I see that it is under GPL v2. Would you mind relicensing it under GPL v3?
>>> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
>>> Would you be interested in these scripts being incorporated into the
>>> project source? Rob, can you please take a look into this? Should we 
>>> consider rewriting them in
>>> Python and incorporating into the main tool set or leave and use as is?
>> Sure I can relicense to GPL v3. All I care about is the scripts staying open 
>> and free to use.
>> :)
>> You can include as a part of IPA if you would like. I was planning to 
>> re-write them all into
>> perl, as my initial efforts to write them in bash for maximum portability 
>> didn't work out, and
>> the netgroup and hosts import scripts ended up written in perl.
>> I cannot help re-writing to python, I don't know the language.
> Ok, thank you!
> Can you elaborate a bit about the constraints you have regarding migration.
> As far as I understand you have users and groups with colliding gids and
> you have to resolve things manually to make things exactly as they were and 
> IPA as is does not
> allow you to do so as it always creates a privite group with the same GID.
> I have a stupid question: what is the implication of actually not doing
> things exactly as they were but rather embracing the IPA model of the unified 
> UID/GID namespace? Is
> the reason that there are some applications scattered in the enterprise that 
> might have gids
> configured explicitly in the configuration files (like SUDO for example) and 
> updating those would
> be a challenge or there is something else?

That question is not stupid. However...:)

Migrating group id's is possible, but quite a job. We just moved a few users's 
uid's as they had
been in the enterprise for very many years, and had a dangerously low UID's. 
Searching trough the
file servers for files belonging to these few users using a "find -exec chown 
..."  took 3 days.
Migrating GID's would also take a very long time.

Secondly, any files restored from backup would have the wrong uid/gid. Several 
of our clients have
a rentention time of 10 years for backups. That's quite some time to keep a 
mapping table over
new/old uids/gids.

Third, we would need to map our applications to see if any of them store or use 
the GID.

As you can see, migrating to IPA just became a much more time consuming and 
higher risk project
than it could be.

Is there a reason for why the approach with a private group per user is 
forcibly chosen?


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