Sigbjorn Lie wrote:
On 09/16/2011 10:29 AM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
On Fri, 16 Sep 2011, Dmitri Pal wrote:
On 09/15/2011 04:14 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:
On 09/15/2011 09:59 PM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
On 09/15/2011 03:45 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

Is there a custom script hook for when a user account is added using
either the cli, webui, or the winsync module?

I have a custom script I run when creating a user account, and having
this run automatically by IPA would make my life a lot easier.

Can you describe what kind of operations you need to do?
Have you looked at the automembership plugin?

I'm doing a SSH login on to a filer, creating a home folder ZFS
dataset for the new user, setting quota and ACL on the newly created
dataset, and adding files from a skeleton folder into the home folder.

It might be a stupid question but... you seem to do all the operation
described above on the filer. I am not quite clear what part of it, if
any, needs to be run on the server side, I mean on the IPA. Or you
actually want to be able to create an account on the server side and
make it trapped and send the event to the filer and run a script there?

We can't do it now. AFAIR there was a ticket about something like this
in the deferred bucket... Could not find it... But I remember a
We might need to file a ticket to track this but sound like something
that will take a lot of time to accomplish.
Attached untested patch is a proof of concept. If /etc/ipa/server.conf
has following setting:


then during add/delete/modify of an user, it will be called with
add/del/mod as first parameter and user's dn as second. Result of
the call is ignored but return from IPA server is blocked by the
execution so be quick in ipa_user_script!

I got the patch installed OK, env variable set, and the script is being
run when do user modifications. Great! :) But the action (add/del/mod)
and the dn is not being supplied as arguments.

For testing's sake I've made a very simple script just to capture the
env variables.

Do you have any suggestion to why the arguments is not getting supplied
to the script?


echo "a:$1 u:$2" >> /tmp/ipa_custom_$$
env >> /tmp/ipa_custom_$$

The invocation should be:[self.api.env.ipa_user_script,"add", dn])

In other words, the whole thing needs to be in the list.

Note that a cleaner way of adding this without having to modify ipa-provided files would be to write an extension plugin that does this (untested):

from ipalib.plugins.user import user_add

def script_post_add_callback(inst, ldap, dn, attrs_list, *keys, **options):'User added')
    if 'ipa_user_script' in inst.api.env:
  [inst.api.env.ipa_user_script,"add", dn])

    return dn


Stick that into a file and drop it into the directory with the other plugins and restart Apache and that should do it.


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