Hi Alexander,

I took "Steven Jones's advice" and updated the IPA client to 
ipa-client-2.1.1-4.el6.x86_64 and the client started working



On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 06:50:10AM +0200, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Nov 2011, Craig T wrote:
> > Did anyone end up finding a solution to this issue?
> > 
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > $ sudo ipa-client-install 
> > Discovery was successful!
> > Hostname: testpc.example.com
> > Realm: EXAMPLE.COM
> > DNS Domain: example.com
> > IPA Server: testvm-389.example.com
> > BaseDN: dc=example,dc=com
> > 
> > Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: yes
> > Enrollment principal: admin
> > Password for ad...@example.com: 
> > 
> > Joining realm failed because of failing XML-RPC request.
> >   This error may be caused by incompatible server/client major versions.
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Check /var/log/ipaclient-install.log for details.
> -- 
> / Alexander Bokovoy

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