
for 'historical' reasons, I have a working dns zone in my lan, say
example.com. In this zone, I have delegated an ipa.example.com zone
for ipa.

I have setup freeipa (homelab, SL 6.1 with version
ipa-server-2.0.0-23.el6.i686) and it works, I have a server and a
client (kdc.ipa.example.com and ipaclient01.ipa.example.com).

>From a laptop (not member of the ipa realm) I kinit to this realm

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_500
Default principal: u...@ipa.example.com

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
12/07/11 22:24:17  12/08/11 22:24:17  krbtgt/ipa.example....@ipa.example.com
        renew until 12/14/11 22:24:17
12/07/11 22:24:43  12/08/11 22:24:17
        renew until 12/14/11 22:24:17
12/07/11 22:27:28  12/08/11 22:24:17
        renew until 12/14/11 22:24:17

As you see, I could go on the web ui and login from ssh.

When logging in the ipaclient01, I get prompted to enter a password
and the error is clear when getting verbose output from slogin:

$ slogin -v user@ipaclient01
debug1: Next authentication method: gssapi-with-mic
debug1: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information
Server krbtgt/example....@ipa.example.com not found in Kerberos database

debug1: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information
Server krbtgt/example....@ipa.example.com not found in Kerberos database

If I login using a fqdn instead of the simple one, then it works. The
funny thing is, I can use the simple dns name to login the kdc server.

I use both the example.com as the ipa.example.com in the laptop's
search field in /etc/resolv.conf, by the way.

Another question: why is it not possible to add simple hostnames as a
service principal?

TIA, great stuff so far :-)

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