On Tue, Feb 07, 2012 at 11:49:07AM +0100, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:
> Hi,
> This error occurs when starting Acrobat Reader. This occured with version 8, 
> and I just downloaded
> AdobeReader_enu-9.4.7-1 to see if that would make a difference. Same problem.
> This is a Red Hat 5 machine running sssd-1.5.1-44.el5.
> $ acroread
> (acroread:3349): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id 
> (12345)
> I'm logged on to the console of the machine, and typing "id" returns the 
> username for my uid, all
> my groups, etc. I have not experienced this issue with any other applications 
> yet.
> /etc/nsswitch.conf:
> passwd:     files sss
> group:      files sss
> shadow:     files sss
> Anyone seen this before?

yes, I would expect that you run a 32bit acroread on a 64bit system. You
have to install the 32bit sssd-client packages as well.



> Regards,
> Siggi
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