Here are the latest logs and info. Thanks. Jimmy

ipagetcert list output-

pki-ca system log --
catalina.out --
selftests --
debug --

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Rob Crittenden <> wrote:
> Jimmy wrote:
>> I didn't see a catalina.log on my system, but there is a catalina.out:
> That's the one. Looks like the CA isn't starting.
> Does /var/lib/pki-ca/logs/signedAudit/ca_audit exist? If so, what is the
> SELinux context (ls -lZ)?
> rob
>> -J
>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 5:37 PM, Rob Crittenden<>
>>  wrote:
>>> Jimmy wrote:
>>>> error log:
>>>> CA debug:
>>>> CA localhost log:
>>>> That's all I can find the correspond to the time I ran the getcert.
>>> I'd look at the catalina.log, is dogtag coming up ok?
>>> rob
>>>> Jimmy
>>>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Rob Crittenden<>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Jimmy wrote:
>>>>>> Still shows status: CA_UNREACHABLE
>>>>> If there was an Internal Server Error there should be an error in the
>>>>> Apache
>>>>> error log or something in the CA debug/transaction log (or both). Can
>>>>> you
>>>>> check those?
>>>>> rob
>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 3:22 PM, Rob Crittenden<>
>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>> Jimmy wrote:
>>>>>>>> I used yum to upgrade cert monger now the access_log has nothing new
>>>>>>>> when I run the ipa-getcert, but error_log shows this:
>>>>>>>> [Sat Mar 10 21:47:21 2012] [error] ipa: INFO: sslget
>>>>>>>> ''
>>>>>>>> [Sat Mar 10 21:47:21 2012] [error] ipa: INFO:
>>>>>>>> host/
>>>>>>>> cert_request(u'MIIDQzCCAisCAQAwLDEQMA4GA1UEChMHUERILkNTUDEYMBYGA1UEAxMPY3NwLWlkbS5wZGguY3NwMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAr0EHCdyTuteryFZ2bdEl+V4OATR/xk8ELthmvlwT/5qubZKwlCWS6yLawgdyCg9Yw737A7qGe0BPxHv6E+as10NxppEPsn9BOi+TPRIMYNMNNYmO2sce2pvkMkVBqsF7Gn7mF7e5+Bpc7ApnDGP7WLsAjbso8EvLUrqVMTNyiziCSHiNk+/Fi1Om6K5GKzKkqfEDex0RK+kpMswgcaZHhmW3i+y3UxFZsJjOg3R4fJAfC0+My2d1Vx4052+EgWAbSNpSj7zmLGM2+dkmgMo5Li7jjgJe8VsrqOV4L5IgqtGVJ0EOb7EP7gynbVoa74m4XrVwEP8rd/M5RxAnD1JPuwIDAQABoIHRMBoGCSqGSIb3DQEJFDENEwtTZXJ2ZXItQ2VydDCBsgYJKoZIhvcNAQkOMYGkMIGhMA4GA1UdDwEBAAQEAwIE8DB3BgNVHREBAQAEbTBroCwGCisGAQQBgjcUAgOgHgwcbGRhcC9jc3AtaWRtLnBkaC5jc3BAUERILkNTUKA7BgYrBgEFAgKgMTAvoAkbB1BESC5DU1ChIjAgoAMCAQGhGTAXGwRsZGFwGw9jc3AtaWRtLnBkaC5jc3AwFgYDVR0lAQEABAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBABD/Hwbgf5NJNUYt0+ntMDHiilMFkSaO6ryQ36/pCH1oR+vI+PCeClHewPo0v99h4Z8W8L7CQtDdNBUMl/JVHH5Lz7cBF8A/jXZQ+naV17EEuXncacM8AvYh5dL2yih+8RpPalEmSgz5rijtbSigfNGrZn0Mh3qOW1kbsz+GDaaT9wLFxvdJyqgdKds2tsp
> 0K
>>> zH
>>>>> IM
>>>>>>> cJuw3cwOfH8zrBRV28XYhMLm0OOhj92uxgax5UPY2VyHP5UOtOnfuduU1ZXa+o8QIXqX7/HyDSCLGwiPJscAsp9cRzjn4KvqzZDOcdGEjXmCGfrmUiMcuzVyTDR2SdAWrHdbRmXeyVxmiBPzdk=',
>>>>>>>> principal=u'ldap/', add=True):
>>>>>>>> CertificateOperationError
>>>>>>> What does ipa-getcert list show?
>>>>>>> You may now have something in the CA logs too.
>>>>>>> rob
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Rob Crittenden<>
>>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Jimmy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Which error log? the pki-ca error log has nothing and the httpd
>>>>>>>>>> error
>>>>>>>>>> log has nothing, and the httpd access log has this: (yes, the
>>>>>>>>>> dates
>>>>>>>>>> are set back a few days, bc the current cert expires on 3/11)
>>>>>>>>>> - - [10/Mar/2012:21:27:24 +0000] "POST /ipa/xml
>>>>>>>>>> HTTP/1.1" 401 1775
>>>>>>>>>> - host/
>>>>>>>>>> [10/Mar/2012:21:27:25
>>>>>>>>>> +0000] "POST /ipa/xml HTTP/1.1" 200 314
>>>>>>>>>> here is the ipa-getcert list:
>>>>>>>>> You need to update certmonger, it isn't setting a Referer HTTP
>>>>>>>>> header
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> its
>>>>>>>>> request. That is now required by IPA.
>>>>>>>>> rob
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Rob
>>>>>>>>>> Crittenden<>
>>>>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Jimmy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Restarted IPA and now the interface loads, but resubmitting the
>>>>>>>>>>>> cert
>>>>>>>>>>>> has this result -
>>>>>>>>>>>> ipa-getcert resubmit -i 20110913154233
>>>>>>>>>>>> - - [10/Mar/2012:20:53:13 +0000] "POST /ipa/xml
>>>>>>>>>>>> HTTP/1.1" 401 1775
>>>>>>>>>>>> - host/
>>>>>>>>>>>> [10/Mar/2012:20:53:13
>>>>>>>>>>>> +0000] "POST /ipa/xml HTTP/1.1" 200 314
>>>>>>>>>>>> but the cert still shows these dates-
>>>>>>>>>>>>  Not Before: Tue Sep 13 15:43:37 2011
>>>>>>>>>>>>             Not After : Sun Mar 11 15:43:37 2012
>>>>>>>>>>> The error log will contain more interesting information.
>>>>>>>>>>> What does the status show in the output of ipa-getcert list?
>>>>>>>>>>> rob
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Jimmy<>
>>>>>>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can now start the upgraded IPA, but now going to the IPA
>>>>>>>>>>>>> admin
>>>>>>>>>>>>> page
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I get this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ====
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not Found
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The requested URL /ipa was not found on this server.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ====
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