Natxo Asenjo wrote:

enable a kerberized site with the fqdn is very easy with freeipa but we
would like to use virtual hosting and kerberized sites.

I have joined a host webserver01.ipa.domain.tld to a ipa realm. I then
created a spn HTTP/webserver01.ipa.domain.tld, generated the keytab,
configured the apache webserver and it works.

Then I created a cname record (vhost) pointing to
webserver01.ipa.domain.tld. I enabled virtual hosting in the apache
webserver, configured the vhosts without kerberizing anything. Virtual
hosts work as expected.

But when I enable a kerberized directory in the vhost, then I see this
in the log file:

[Wed Mar 28 22:02:14 2012] [error] [client]
gss_acquire_cred() failed: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may
provide more information (, Permission denied)
[Wed Mar 28 22:02:14 2012] [debug] src/mod_auth_kerb.c(1578): [client] kerb_authenticate_user entered with user (NULL) and
auth_type Kerberos
[Wed Mar 28 22:02:14 2012] [debug] src/mod_auth_kerb.c(1578): [client] kerb_authenticate_user entered with user (NULL) and
auth_type Kerberos
[Wed Mar 28 22:02:14 2012] [debug] src/mod_auth_kerb.c(1213): [client] Acquiring creds for h...@vhost.ipa.domain.tld.

When not using vhosts, it works although I see similar debugging info
(but instead of h...@vhost.ipa.domain.tld,
h...@webserver01.ipa.domain.tld). So I was wondering if it is possible
to do this vhost thing. With the ipa tools I can only add service
principals to joined hosts, not to cnames.

It would be nice to have. Otherwise we need to have one server per
kerberized site, a bit of an overkill really.

You should be able to add a host entry for the vhost, perhaps with the --force flag to let it add w/o a DNS A record. Then you should be able to create the service.


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