On 05/05/2012 08:01 PM, Chris Evich wrote:
On 05/04/2012 04:17 PM, Chris Evich wrote:
That makes me think maybe there's just a missing service principal or
something I can add? I'll see if I can remove that request and try
running ipa-replica-prepare again to see if it still gives that error
(systems have been restarted since then). Though any other
suggestions/ideas of what I can try or look at are much appreciated.

Replying to myself again, bad-form, but maybe it'll help someone else if they have a similar problem....

I found the 20120504213228 request (from previous mail) sitting on the replica machine in /etc/pki/nssdb and was able to nuke it with certutil.Running ipa-replica-prepare however gave same failure. I'm assuming that came from when I did an ipa-client install on the replica box recently.

Playing more to see if I could coax out more info, I tried running 'ipa cert-request' from what I want to be my replica machine:

[root@<replica> certs]# ipa cert-request --principal=imap/<replica fqdn>@<domain> dovecot.csr ipa: ERROR: Certificate operation cannot be completed: FAILURE (Profile caIPAserviceCert Not Found)

At the same time, I had a tailf running on the master's /var/log/pki-ca/debug and this is what came out:

[05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: CMSServlet:service() uri = //ca/eeca/ca/profileSubmitSSLClient [05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: CMSServlet::service() param name='cert_request_type' value='pkcs10' [05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: CMSServlet::service() param name='cert_request' value='-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
...blah blah blah...
[05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: CMSServlet::service() param name='xml' value='true' [05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: CMSServlet::service() param name='profileId' value='caIPAserviceCert' [05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: CMSServlet: caProfileSubmitSSLClient start to service.
[05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: xmlOutput true
[05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: Start of ProfileSubmitServlet Input Parameters [05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: ProfileSubmitServlet Input Parameter cert_request_type='pkcs10' [05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: ProfileSubmitServlet Input Parameter cert_request='-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
...blah blah blah...
[05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: ProfileSubmitServlet Input Parameter xml='true' [05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: ProfileSubmitServlet Input Parameter profileId='caIPAserviceCert' [05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: End of ProfileSubmitServlet Input Parameters
[05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: ProfileSubmitServlet: start serving
[05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: ProfileSubmitServlet: SubId=profile
[05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: ProfileSubmitServlet: isRenewal false
[05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: ProfileSubmitServlet: profileId caIPAserviceCert [05/May/2012:20:51:55][TP-Processor2]: CMSServlet: curDate=Sat May 05 20:51:55 EDT 2012 id=caProfileSubmitSSLClient time=12

I'm guessing there's something going on with this 'caIPAserviceCert' thing. Granted I didn't try requesting any certs prior to the update, however I can click the 'view' button in the web UI on some service certs from the install, so it was generating them at some point.

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