On 05/15/2012 09:46 AM, Adrien Rami wrote:
Hi all,

I introduce myself. I am Adrien Rami and I am Open Source developper.

I work on a project with FreeIPA and I try to sync an Active Directory with FreeIPA, with the special case that I want to sync the Organisation Unit.

I set the ipawinsyncuserflatten on false but unfortunately it didn't work.

Is there a way to do this? If yes does someone do that and have some information for me?

What exactly did you try, and what was the result that you saw? Note that if you create a new ou in AD, that will not sync to IPA. You must create your ou structure on both sides. And that won't work with IPA since IPA expects to have a flat DIT on the IPA side.

Perhaps if you could explain why you want to sync your AD structure to IPA, we could suggest some alternatives.

Best regards

Adrien Rami

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