On 06/08/2012 07:26 AM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
On 06/07/2012 09:22 PM, Cam McK wrote:

2). We would also like to use FreeIPA in a trusted network but then have perhaps a read-only slave sitting in DMZ with the possibility of not containing the KDC or LDAP password stores on it, is this possible? (Basically authentication being done by a different PAM module, but pam_sss.so still allowing HBAC via the PAM 'account' directive.) Is it possible to have a 'regular' LDAP directory (in the DMZ) just slurping down the required LDAP info?

I suggest using an LDAP directory that can do proxy operations or proxy authentications. You might consider 389 and sync in some user accounts and groups while using pam passtrough capabilities. I think recent upstream versions of 389 made this configuration possible but you need to check with them. #389 on freenode is your best bet.
Openldap has some capabilities that might be of the value here too.
389 can consult PAM to authenticate a user when performing an LDAP BIND operation. This would probably take care of the authentication piece of the puzzle.

You would also need to use fractional replication to avoid replicating things like passwords or Kerberos related attributes to the DMZ LDAP server. Fractional replication can only trim out specific attributes. It does not allow you to select portions of the tree to replicate at the entry level. This would mean that all of your user accounts would need to be replicated out to the DMZ LDAP server, but you could trim sensitive attributes.

I am not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish here so a bit more details would be helpful.
More details would definitely help. I don't think you can easily accomplish what you want right now. It could be possible with a lot of manual configuration of 389 on both the IPA and DMZ LDAP server sides, but I don't think anyone has set things up in this way with IPA before.


Many Thanks

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Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IPA project,
Red Hat Inc.

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