
My understanding is on first login with a IPA'd reset password the user should 
be forced to change to a permanent password immediately and not continue to 
login? as below this appears to be not the case....how do I set this? or is it 
a bug?

Also the 1 hour warning seems new?

copy and paste as below,

[yyyyy@8kxl72s ~]$ ssh vuwunicosas0002.ods.vuw.ac.nz -l xxxxxxx
xxxxx...@vuwunicosas0002.ods.vuw.ac.nz's password:
Creating home directory for xxxxxxxx.
Kickstarted on 2012-02-27
[xxxxxxxxx@vuwunicosas0002 ~]$ passwd
Changing password for user xxxxxxxxx.
Current Password:
New password:
Retype new password:
Password change failed. Server message: Password change failed Err5: Password 
too simple.
Warning: Your password will expire in less than one hour on Mon Jun 18 11:39:00 
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
[xxxxxxxxx@vuwunicosas0002 ~]$ passwd
Changing password for user xxxxxxxxxxx.
Current Password:
New password:
Retype new password:
Warning: Your password will expire in less than one hour on Mon Jun 18 11:39:00 
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[xxxxxxxxx@vuwunicosas0002 ~]$
[xxxxxxx@vuwunicosas0002 ~]$ logout
Connection to vuwunicosas0002.ods.vuw.ac.nz closed.
[yyyyyyy@8kxl72s ~]$ ssh vuwunicosas0002.ods.vuw.ac.nz -l xxxxxxxxx
xx...@vuwunicosas0002.ods.vuw.ac.nz's password:
Last login: Mon Jun 18 11:39:25 2012 from
Kickstarted on 2012-02-27
[xxxxxx@vuwunicosas0002 ~]$


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

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