
I'm experiencing an issue with sudo-ldap:
I have some commands defined in a rule, have granted permissions to my user
to execute them via sudo following the docs:

   1. # ipa sudorule-show networking-commands
   2.   Rule name: networking-commands
   3.   Enabled: TRUE
   4.   Users: dsastrem
   5.   Host Groups: des
   6.   Sudo Allow Command Groups: networking
   8. # ipa sudocmdgroup-show networking
   9.   Sudo Command Group: networking
   10.   Description: commands for network configuration and troubleshooting
   11.   Member Sudo commands: /sbin/route, /sbin/ifconfig,
/sbin/iptables, /sbin/mii-tool, /sbin/ethtool, /sbin/ip
   13. /etc/nsswitch.conf
   14. ==================
   15. passwd:     files sss
   16. shadow:     files sss
   17. group:      files sss
   18. hosts:      files dns
   19. bootparams: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
   20. ethers:     files
   21. netmasks:   files
   22. networks:   files
   23. protocols:  files
   24. rpc:        files
   25. services:   files sss
   26. netgroup:   files sss
   27. publickey:  nisplus
   28. automount:  files
   29. aliases:    files nisplus
   30. sudoers:    files ldap sss
   32. /etc/sudo-ldap.conf
   33. ===================
   34. uri ldap://panoramix.some.domain.com
   35. sudoers_base ou=SUDOers,dc=some,dc=domain,dc=com
   36. bind_timelimit 5
   37. timelimit 15
   38. binddn uid=sudo,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=some,dc=domain,dc=com
   39. bindpw secret
   40. ssl start_tls
   41. tls_cacertfile /etc/ipa/ca.crt
   42. tls_checkpeer yes
   44. /etc/rc.local
   45. =============
   46. touch /var/lock/subsys/local
   47. nisdomainname some.domain.com

 All three config files are equal in several hosts, but sudo is failing
from one hosts in this way:
Pam_tally2 count gets increased with failed attempts, but the password is
(obviously) the same (my kerberos passwd)

   1. dsastrem@obelix ~
   2. $ sudo ip addr show
   3. LDAP Config Summary
   4. ===================
   5. uri              ldap://panoramix.some.domain.com
   6. ldap_version     3
   7. sudoers_base     ou=SUDOers,dc=some,dc=domain,dc=com
   8. binddn           uid=sudo,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=some,dc=domain,dc=com
   9. bindpw           secret
   10. bind_timelimit   5000
   11. timelimit        15
   12. ssl              start_tls
   13. tls_checkpeer    (yes)
   14. tls_cacertfile   /etc/ipa/ca.crt
   15. ===================
   16. sudo: ldap_set_option: debug -> 0
   17. sudo: ldap_set_option: tls_checkpeer -> 1
   18. sudo: ldap_set_option: tls_cacertfile -> /etc/ipa/ca.crt
   19. sudo: ldap_set_option: tls_cacert -> /etc/ipa/ca.crt
   20. sudo: ldap_initialize(ld, ldap://panoramix.some.domain.com)
   21. sudo: ldap_set_option: ldap_version -> 3
   22. sudo: ldap_set_option: timelimit -> 15
   23. sudo: ldap_set_option(LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, 5)
   24. sudo: ldap_start_tls_s() ok
   25. sudo: ldap_sasl_bind_s() ok
   26. sudo: no default options found in ou=SUDOers,dc=some,dc=domain,dc=com
   27. sudo: ldap search
   28. sudo: found:cn=networking-commands,ou=sudoers,dc=some,dc=domain,dc=com
   29. sudo: ldap sudoHost '+des' ... MATCH!
   30. sudo: ldap sudoCommand '/sbin/route' ... not
   31. sudo: ldap sudoCommand '/sbin/ifconfig' ... not
   32. sudo: ldap sudoCommand '/sbin/iptables' ... not
   33. sudo: ldap sudoCommand '/sbin/mii-tool' ... not
   34. sudo: ldap sudoCommand '/sbin/ethtool' ... not
   35. sudo: ldap sudoCommand '/sbin/ip' ... MATCH!
   36. sudo: Command allowed
   37. sudo: user_matches=1
   38. sudo: host_matches=1
   39. sudo: sudo_ldap_lookup(0)=0x02
   40. [sudo] password for dsastrem:
   41. Sorry, try again.
   42. [sudo] password for dsastrem:
   43. sudo: 1 incorrect password attempt
   45. # pam_tally2 -u dsastrem
   46. Login           Failures Latest failure     From
   47. dsastrem            2    09/26/12 17:22:54  /dev/pts/1

 Any idea of what could be wrong? Thanks in advance.
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