Sigbjorn Lie wrote:
On 10/09/2012 04:08 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

On Tue, October 9, 2012 01:13, Dmitri Pal wrote:
On 10/08/2012 06:04 PM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:


Thank you for the report!

I've been testing the sudo integration with IPA and I came across some

1. When I disable or delete a sudo rule, it's not removed from the
ou=sudoers until I restart the directory server. Am I doing
something wrong?
(389-ds-base-, slapi-nis-0.40-1.el6.x86_64)

This might be a bug in the compat plugin. The internal tree is
into the standard sudo schema that is supposed to be kept in sync
with the internal tree. However I
would be surprised if there is actually a bug.

I definitely still saw the rules in ou=sudoers even though I disabled
or deleted the rules.
However the cn=sudo tree was instantly updated.

Could someone else test and see if they see the same behaviour?

2. Perhaps the documentation should mention creating a rule called
"defaults" to put default options for all sudo rules in. Or even
better having one created by default with a fresh IPA installation.
It took me a few seconds to
figure out where to put default options for all sudo rules.

Can you please open an RFE in trac?


3. sudo integration with SSSD does not work when anonymous LDAP
authentication is disabled at the server. Enabling verbose logging
in SSSD seem to suggest that
it's attempting  anonymous auth only. (sssd-1.8.4-14.fc17.x86_64)

Which integration you are trying? The one that was tech preview in 1.8?
The one that makes SSSD cache sudo rules? It was significantly
in 1.9. Can you please try with 1.9?

This was F17. There is F17 packages for 1.9 somewhere? Will 1.9 be in
the next update of RHEL 6?

4. Having spaces in sudo options (such as "env_keep = 'ENV_VAR'") make
sudo display these options as errors when sudo debugging is enabled
(sudoers_debug 1 in
/etc/ldap.conf or /etc/sudo-ldap.conf):
sudo: unknown defaults entry `env_keep '

Yes. This is a known issue already filed as a ticket.


5. It would be great to have a set of sudo commands and a set of sudo
command groups installed by default.

Can you make a proposal about what groups would you like to see in
an RFE?

Sure. I do believe in having only 1 sudoers source, either a file or
ldap. So I I believe the
contents of the file /etc/sudoers distributed with the sudoers
package is a good starting point.

6. Adding a sudo command having multiple commands listed (such as:
"/sbin/route, /sbin/ifconfig, /bin/ping


ig,%20/sbin/mii-tool>") is allowed in IPA and does list it
correctly as allowed commands when
doing "sudo -l", however attempting to execute one of the commands
in the list using sudo fails.

Can you please try SSSD 1.9?

Sure, but I'm not sure how that is going to matter as this is sudo
returning an error. How is it
expected to be different when the information is coming from a
different source?

I believe we have to do the LDAP way and not the SSSD way in
production though as we have clients
such as older RHEL and Solaris as well besides RHEL 6. So this should
be fixed regardsless of
where the sudo source is coming from. And I believe we are not alone
here in having a mixed
environment... :)

Your command is allowing a user to pass the arguments /sbin/ifconfig,
/bin/ping to /sbin/iparoute, (note the commas). A sudo command is a
single invocation of a command.


I am well aware of that. :)

However that is an allowed syntax in file based sudoers.

I believe there should be a syntax checking in IPA when adding sudo
commands since it's not working with ldap based sudoers.


I'm just not sure how we would know, except maybe to detect the commas and warn the user. If you'd like this enhancement can you open a ticket on our trac?



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