After upgrading to freeipa-{client,server}-2.2.1-1.fc17.x86_64 today, my 
clients are no longer able to login via kdm or ssh (and perhaps others).  The 
secure log shows the following:

sshd[28922]: pam_sss(sshd:account): Access denied for user amessina: 4 (System 

Of note, I have always had the HBAC allow_all rule enabled--I've never done 
anything with HBAC since I began using IPA.

The problem and resolution seems to be the same as

where if I uninstall IPA on the clients, then remove the host on the IPA 
server, then reinstall on the client, things work as expected.

I have done this for all but one of the clients, and of course, the IPA 
server, which itself is a client.

I have increased sssd debugging and find that when trying to login to the 
servers that have not been reinstalled as above, I get the following 
significant error in sssd_<domain>.log:

(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [be_pam_handler] (0x0100): 
Got request with the following data
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
command: PAM_ACCT_MGMT
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
user: amessina
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
service: sshd
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
tty: ssh
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
rhost: 2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
authtok type: 0
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
authtok size: 0
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
newauthtok type: 0
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
newauthtok size: 0
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
priv: 1
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [pam_print_data] (0x0100): 
cli_pid: 9069
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [sdap_access_send] 
(0x0400): Performing access check for user [amessina]
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_account_expired_rhds] (0x0400): Performing RHDS access check for user 
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x0400): calling ldap_search_ext with 
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [objectClass]
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [serverHostName]
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [fqdn]
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [ipauniqueid]
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [member]
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [memberOf]
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [cn]
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x2000): ldap_search_ext called, msgid = 15
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [sdap_process_result] 
(0x2000): Trace: sh[0x7f553cd5a500], connected[1], ops[0x7f553cd653a0], 
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_get_generic_ext_done] (0x0400): Search result: Success(0), no errmsg set
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] 
[sdap_get_generic_ext_done] (0x1000): Total count [0]
(Sun Nov 11 15:35:12 2012) [sssd[be[]]] [be_pam_handler_callback] 
(0x0100): Backend returned: (3, 4, <NULL>) [Internal Error (System error)]

I also find that when I do a manual ldapsearch for the non-upgraded clients as 

ldapsearch -x -D "cn=directory manager" -W -b cn=accounts,dc=messinet,dc=com 
"(&(objectClass=ipaHost)(fqdn=*))" dn

the non-upgraded clients DO NOT appear in the list, but if I do the following:

ldapsearch -x -D "cn=directory manager" -W -b cn=accounts,dc=messinet,dc=com 
"(&(objectClass=ipaHost))" dn

the non-upgraded clients DO appear in the list.  Somehow the addition of the 
fqdn=* in the filter "(&(objectClass=ipaHost)(fqdn=*))" prevents them from 
being displayed.

There were no errors on any of the servers or clients during the upgrade.

Your help is appreciated.  I've tried to get this corrected all day without 

Thanks in advance.  -A

Anthony - -
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