
the default hbac rule 'allow_all' is nice for testing, but for a
production environment I am not so sure ;-)

We do not want our users getting a shell in our kdc servers or in the
database servers for instance. We want them to use the postgresql
service, but not login the database server with a shell. Many more
examples are conceivable, of course.

Is it possible to have this policy adapted to 'everything but ssh' for
instance? That is, disable ssh logins unless explicitely allowed by
another policy. This would be the equivalent of 'Remote Desktop Users'
in an AD domain. Uses may login at the console everywhere (their
workstations), but if they need to login interactively in a server
then they need to be a member of this group. This does not prevent
them from using other resources like shares, printers, e-mail,
databases, ...

I am just afraid that unless this becomes the default during the
installation, most ipa environments will stay like this which could be
an unexpected security problem. No one but kerberos admins should have
shell access to the kdc in a kerberos realm.


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