I hope someone here can shed some light on what is wrong in my test environment.
The error seem to be that Dovecot on mail server wants to access mail folder in 
my home directory  on the NFS Server but can't get credentials for it. rpc.gssd 
on Mail Server try either to open a cachefile in /tmp that is corrupt or 
expired or if no cache file exists it just do error downcall.
No try to update the key or create a new one.
Should not forwardable tickets update the cache or generate a new one?
The permission denied error in maillog i believe is because of no valid 
kerberos credentials.

NFS Server for Home Directory through autofs, IPA Client with nfs/share.test.net
Mail server IPA Client with imap/mail.test.net,smtp/mail.test.net

Clients pc's that are also IPA clients

Everything is Red Hat 6.4 server and Client with default settings for IPA 
server and client.

When trying to get mail i get ticket not accepted but i do get a imap ticket 
that i can see with klist.

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1644800003_UsqtSh
Default principal: jo...@test.net

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
03/06/13 14:34:28  03/07/13 14:34:28  krbtgt/test....@test.net
03/06/13 14:40:41  03/07/13 14:34:28  imap/mail.test....@test.net
03/06/13 14:44:43  03/07/13 14:34:28  host/share.test....@test.net

Hopefully relevant logs:

Mail Server /var/log/messages with rpc.gssapi -vvv:

Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: handling gssd upcall 
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: handle_gssd_upcall: 'mech=krb5 
uid=1644800003 enctypes=18,17,16,23,3,1,2 '
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: handling krb5 upcall 
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: process_krb5_upcall: service is '<null>'
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: getting credentials for client with uid 
1644800003 for server share.test.net
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: CC file '/tmp/krb5cc_machine_TEST.NET' 
being considered, with preferred realm 'TEST.NET'
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: CC file '/tmp/krb5cc_machine_TEST.NET' 
owned by 0, not 1644800003
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: CC file '/tmp/krb5cc_1644800001_MOFHds' 
being considered, with preferred realm 'TEST.NET'
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: CC file '/tmp/krb5cc_1644800001_MOFHds' 
owned by 0, not 1644800003
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: CC file '/tmp/krb5cc_0' being considered, 
with preferred realm 'TEST.NET'
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: CC file '/tmp/krb5cc_0' owned by 0, not 
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: WARNING: Failed to create krb5 context for 
user with uid 1644800003 for server share.test.net
Mar  6 14:43:21 mail rpc.gssd[1143]: doing error downcall

Mail Server /var/log/maillog:

Mar 06 14:43:11 master: Info: Dovecot v2.0.9 starting up (core dumps disabled)
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: Loading modules from directory: 
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: Module loaded: 
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: Module loaded: 
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: Module loaded: 
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=2183)
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: client in: AUTH    1       GSSAPI  service=imap    
secured lip=        rip=       lport=143       
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: gssapi(?, Using all keytab entries
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: client out: CONT   1
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: client in: CONT<hidden>
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: gssapi(jo...@test.net, security 
context state completed.
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: client out: CONT   1       
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: client in: CONT<hidden>
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: gssapi(jo...@test.net, Negotiated 
security layer
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: client out: CONT   1       
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: client in: CONT<hidden>
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: client out: OK     1       user=johan
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: master in: REQUEST 1818361857      2183    1       
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: passwd(johan, lookup
Mar 06 14:43:21 auth: Debug: master out: USER   1818361857      johan   
system_groups_user=johan        uid=1644800003  gid=1644800003  
Mar 06 14:43:21 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<johan>, method=GSSAPI, 
rip=, lip=, mpid=2186, TLS
Mar 06 14:43:21 imap(johan): Error: chdir(/nethome/johan/) failed: Permission 
denied (euid=1644800003(johan) egid=1644800003(johan) missing +x perm: 
/nethome/johan, euid is not dir owner)
Mar 06 14:43:21 imap(johan): Error: chdir(/nethome/johan) failed: Permission 
Mar 06 14:43:21 imap(johan): Error: user johan: Initialization failed: 
Initializing mail storage from mail_location setting failed: 
stat(/nethome/johan/mail) failed: Permission denied (euid=1644800003(johan) 
egid=1644800003(johan) missing +x perm: /nethome/johan, euid is not dir owner)
Mar 06 14:43:21 imap(johan): Error: Invalid user settings. Refer to server log 
for more information.

NFS Server /var/log/messages with rpc.svcgssd -vvv:

Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: handling null request
Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: svcgssd_limit_krb5_enctypes: Calling 
gss_set_allowable_enctypes with 7 enctypes from the kernel
Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: sname = nfs/mail.test....@test.net
Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: DEBUG: serialize_krb5_ctx: lucid 
Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: prepare_krb5_rfc4121_buffer: protocol 
Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: prepare_krb5_rfc4121_buffer: 
serializing key with enctype 18 and size 32
Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: doing downcall
Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: mech: krb5, hndl len: 4, ctx len 52, 
timeout: 1362657132 (79731 from now), clnt: n...@mail.test.net, uid: -1, gid: 
-1, num aux grps: 0:
Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: sending null reply
Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: writing message: \x 
 1362577461 0 0 \xbc000000 
Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: finished handling null request
Mar  6 14:43:21 share rpc.svcgssd[17422]: entering poll

IPA Server /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-TEST-NET/access:

[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1273 fd=70 slot=70 connection from to
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1273 op=0 BIND dn="" method=sasl version=3 
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1273 op=0 RESULT err=14 tag=97 nentries=0 
etime=0, SASL bind in progress
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1273 op=1 BIND dn="" method=sasl version=3 
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1273 op=1 RESULT err=14 tag=97 nentries=0 
etime=0, SASL bind in progress
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1273 op=2 BIND dn="" method=sasl version=3 
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1273 op=2 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 
etime=0 dn="fqdn=mail.test.net,cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=test,dc=net"
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1273 op=3 SRCH 
 attrs="automountKey automountInformation"
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1273 op=3 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1273 op=4 UNBIND
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1273 op=4 fd=70 closed - U1
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1270 op=16 SRCH 
base="cn=accounts,dc=test,dc=net" scope=2 
attrs="objectClass uid userPassword uidNumber gidNumber gecos homeDirectory 
loginShell krbPrincipalName cn memberOf nsUniqueId modifyTimestamp entryusn 
shadowLastChange shadowMin shadowMax shadowWarning shadowInactive shadowExpire 
shadowFlag krbLastPwdChange krbPasswordExpiration pwdattribute 
authorizedService accountexpires useraccountcontrol nsAccountLock host 
logindisabled loginexpirationtime loginallowedtimemap ipaSshPubKey"
[06/Mar/2013:14:43:21 +0100] conn=1270 op=16 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=0 

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