David Redmond wrote:

I've setup FreeIPA for the first time and am using it successfully with
Linux and Solaris 10 clients. On 8 separate Solaris 9 clients I'm
running into an issue where 'kinit USER', for any user, fails with a
segmentation fault after prompting for a password. On the client side
there are no log entries. On the server side the "Additional
pre-authentication required" entry is written to the log. When I execute
'kinit -k' everything works normally. I've verified that the keytabs for
the Solaris 9 clients use only des-cbc-crc encryption and that
allow_weak_crypto = true is set on the server side. Running 'truss kinit
USER' on the Solaris 9 clients end with:
Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0xFF3582E4
   siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000004
Received signal #11, SIGSEGV (default)
   siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000004

I've been fighting this for a while and have ensured that my Solaris 9
boxes are running the latest patches. Kerberos on the clients is the
standard one that comes with Solaris. I've installed no additional
kerberos components or packages.

I'm hoping someone has seen this before or can point me in a new
direction. At this point I've pretty much reached the end of my rope and
am looking at using local passwords (blech!) on my Solaris 9 clients.

I don't have a very helpful answer, but if memory serves my Sparc 9 install exhibits the same behavior. I don't have access to the latest updates though so I assumed it was related to that.


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