Chandan Kumar wrote:

I am new to FreeIPA so far I have setup the Server and few test clients,
all went really smooth. However, I am having hard time in setting up the
replication and any help will great!.

I am using CentOS 6.4. Package Info


I followed the steps mentioned in

FYI, these are very out-of-date.

When I try to setup the replica with the replica prepare file from the
master  with --skip-conneccheck  (because krb is not running on UDP ports)

I don't understand, you got an error about KRB not running on the UDP ports?

ipa-replica-install /var/lib/ipa/

At the end I get below error

   [22/31]: setting up initial replication
Starting replication, please wait until this has completed.
[ <>] reports: Update failed! Status: [-1
  - LDAP error: Can't contact LDAP server]

Well, something is blocking the connection, or the server on ipa01 isn't running. This is a really low-level networking error.

I also find similar error reported while setting up ipa on Fedora 18 at

But could not find its resolution.

We never heard back from the user. You're saying you see the same error?

I am able to connect to the 389/636 port from the slave. Firewall is off
on both ends and hostnames resolves properly.

On ipa02 you might try:

$ ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -s base -b '' namingContexts

You might also try wireshark to monitor the connection request.


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