On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 12:47:47PM +0200, Natxo Asenjo wrote:
> hi,
> just a little 'but'.
> when verifying the trust (point 12
> https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Identity_Management_Guide/trust-diff-dns-domains.html)
> # kinit user
> Password for nase...@ipa.asenjo.nx:
> [root@kdc ~]# kvno host/host.ipa.asenjo...@ipa.asenjo.nx
> host/host.ipa.asenjo...@ipa.asenjo.nx: kvno = 2
> [root@kdc ~]# kvno cifs/win2k8.ad.asenjo...@ad.asenjo.nx
> kvno: KDC policy rejects request while getting credentials for
> cifs/win2k8.ad.asenjo...@ad.asenjo.nx

Can you check if klist shows a cross-realm ticket like
krbtgt/AD.REALM@IPA.REALM after the second kvno call? If yes, if might
be a policy on the AD side which rejects the request.

> --
> groet,
> natxo

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