On 07/23/2013 01:31 AM, Aissa Brahimi wrote:
> [abrahimi@ipa02 ipa]$ sudo ipa-replica-install --setup-dns
> --forwarder= --no-reverse replica-info-ipa02.company.com gpg
> --skip-conncheck
> [sudo] password for abrahimi:
> Directory Manager (existing master) password:
> Your system may be partly configured.
> Run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --uninstall to clean up.
> Unexpected error - see /var/log/ipareplica-install.log for details:
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'replman' referenced before assignment

Hello Aissa,

What version of FreeIPA are you running? On which OS?

I checked current FreeIPA code in git and it should not be capable of raising
this error message so there must have been some changes...


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