On Tuesday, August 06, 2013 02:44:57 PM Martin Kosek wrote:
> I see there are some SELinux issues for accessing /tmp/hsperfdata_root, they
> look strange.

I was running into the same SELinux issue when installing two FreeIPA servers 
in virtual machines yesterday:
SELinux is preventing /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-
openjdk- from read access on the 
directory hsperfdata_root.

For me, the problem was two-fold:
1. When creating a new VM, I typically issue 'systemctl mask tmp.mount' and 
reboot as a first rule, since I don't have the availability to have a huge 
chunk of the VM's allocated RAM used up for /tmp.

2. Beccause of 1., the /tmp directory persists across reboots, and after 
initial FreeIPA installation, the /tmp/hsperfdata_root diretctory and files 
have the system_u:object_r:rpm_script_tmp_t:s0 SELinux label, when they should 
have system_u:object_r:pki_tomcat_tmp_t:s0.

I resolved this issue by stopping IPA, removing /tmp/hsperfdata_root, and 
rebooting the machine, where I was able to observe the directory and files 
created with the proper context.

Without knowing the proper context beforehand, there was no way to issue a 
restorecon, since there is no default label for /tmp/hsperfdata_root.


Anthony - http://messinet.com - http://messinet.com/~amessina/gallery
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