On 11/26/2013 03:37 PM, siology.io wrote:
> I'm seeing an issue with logging into the web UI of ipa. I've been
> using IPA for 6 months or so in production, and all has been well so
> far. 
> The last thing i did in terms of IPA was run ipa-dns-install, which
> completed successfully, but i suspect this issue occured before that i
> never noticed as it's been a few weeks since i used the UI. I
> typically check the login page works and ldapsearch works after
> upgrades, but in this instance the login box is presented, and after
> entering the credentials it sits doing nothing for a while, then times
> out with 'internal server error'
> The only useful log i've managed to find is in /var/log/httpd/error_log
> [Wed Nov 27 08:41:47 2013] [error] [client (redacted)] Script timed
> out before returning headers: wsgi.py, referer: https://(redacted)/ipa/ui/

What happens before that in the log?
Any DNS lookup or some other lookup?

> I'm seeing this behaviour on both my master and replica, but they are
> both identical in terms of package versions and such, so it may not be
> significant.
> My system versions:
> Centos 6.4 x64
> ipa-python-3.0.0-26.el6_4.4.x86_64
> ipa-server-selinux-3.0.0-26.el6_4.4.x86_64
> python-iniparse-0.3.1-2.1.el6.noarch
> libipa_hbac-1.9.2-82.10.el6_4.x86_64
> libipa_hbac-python-1.9.2-82.10.el6_4.x86_64
> ipa-client-3.0.0-26.el6_4.4.x86_64
> ipa-server-3.0.0-26.el6_4.4.x86_64
> ipa-pki-ca-theme-9.0.3-7.el6.noarch
> ipa-admintools-3.0.0-26.el6_4.4.x86_64
> ipa-pki-common-theme-9.0.3-7.el6.noarch
> bind-dyndb-ldap-2.3-2.el6_4.1.x86_64
> bind-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6_4.6.x86_64
> which are (afaik) all latest for centos 6.4
> Oddly, i'm not seeing this behaviour in my virtualbox / vagrant IPA
> testbed, which has identical version numbers, and wsgi.py in
> /usr/share/ipa has identical md5sum.
> Not really sure how to approach debugging this further. Any ideas ?
> Has anyone else seen this happen ?
> The ldapsearch, bind dns and everything else seem operational - just
> the GUI is out of action.

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Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager for IdM portfolio
Red Hat Inc.

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