Erinn Looney-Triggs wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On 12/05/2013 01:35 AM, Martin Kosek wrote:
On 12/04/2013 06:58 PM, Erinn Looney-Triggs wrote:
On 12/04/2013 07:15 AM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Erinn Looney-Triggs wrote:

On 11/27/2013 11:11 AM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Erinn Looney-Triggs wrote:

On 11/25/2013 11:09 AM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Erinn Looney-Triggs wrote:
Folks just wanted to touch base again before the
American holiday season starts. My CA, which is
subordinate to AD CS will be expiring on December
9th, I submitted a bug, y'all drew up docs etc for a
plan (thanks). Now I just wanted to see how it was
going and if need be what manual steps I will need to
take to renew the certificate.

Thanks again for the great work,

We're working on an a set of tools to make this easier.
For now I've appended some manual instructions onto a
page still in progress.

Some parts may be still be a little rough or hard to understand.
Let me know if you have any problems or corrections.



Thanks for the instructions, a few questions.

What sort of interruption in service could this create?

Services will be restarted during this process including
your LDAP, Apache and CA instances. Downtime should be
relatively short, no more than a few minutes combined.

Can you expand on this section a little bit: Replace the
value of ca.signing.cert in /etc/pki-ca/CS.cfg. This is
the base64 value of the certificate. You can obtain this
by removing the BEGIN/END blocks from ipa.crt and
compressing it into a single line.

A PEM cert looks like:






eSH9DQkYDp/oKgANLWnY7CNorPz6xQktp1pB0DGohV1BeTA= -----END

You need to drop the BEGIN/END blocks then combine all the
lines into a single line, so you have a unified base64
blog. It will look like:


I was afraid wrapping woudl destroy my demonstration so I
used ellipses instead.

Thanks and happy Thanksgiving,

You're welcome. You too.


Ok I have done the steps as outlined. One small suggestion
and one question came up.

Suggestion: for the ldapmodify command indicate that a ctl-d
is necessary to end input. Most folks will know this, but
some may not.

For the client section you have me copy the newly signed
subordnate CA certificate into /etc/ipa/ca.crt. However, on
my hosts that was actually a copy of the AD CS certificate,
not the subordinate certificate. In the case of a subordinate
installation do you want the root or the subordinate CA? It
would seem that the root would be broader, but I just want to
make sure.

The IPA CA cert should be sufficient.


Thanks, and just for an update, the switch over was made,
certmonger is happily updating certs now on all hosts and
everything just appears to be working thus far, minus the
replication of the agent certificate which I am still looking

Thanks for the help,


Great, I am glad to hear that. Note that we were investigating
renewing certificates and clones and found out an issue in Python
readline that prevented a renewal of the IPA agent certificate:

Could this be the reason of your issues? Did you saw a crash of
certmonger during the renewal? It was found out to be happening due
to the aforementioned bug.

Thanks, Martin

That seems very likely, however abrt didn't catch anything, and there
doesn't appear to be any tmp file wreckage left anywhere. I can't find
anything in the logs indicating failure, all signs point to success
for the renewal:

Dec  3 20:47:25 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "Server-Cert" in
token "NSS Certificate DB" in database "/etc/dirsrv/slapd-ABAQIS-COM"
will not be valid afte
r 20131210032326.
Dec  3 20:47:25 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "Server-Cert" in
token "NSS Certificate DB" in database "/etc/dirsrv/slapd-PKI-IPA"
will not be valid after 20131210032326.
Dec  3 20:47:25 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "auditSigningCert
cert-pki-ca" in token "NSS Certificate DB" in database
"/var/lib/pki-ca/alias" will not be valid after 20131210032326.
Dec  3 20:47:25 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "ocspSigningCert
cert-pki-ca" in token "NSS Certificate DB" in database
"/var/lib/pki-ca/alias" will not be valid after 20131210032326.
Dec  3 20:47:25 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "subsystemCert
cert-pki-ca" in token "NSS Certificate DB" in database
"/var/lib/pki-ca/alias" will not be valid after 20131210032326.
Dec  3 20:47:25 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "ipaCert" in token
"NSS Certificate DB" in database "/etc/httpd/alias" will not be valid
after 20131210032326.
Dec  3 20:47:26 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "Server-Cert" in
token "NSS Certificate DB" in database "/etc/dirsrv/slapd-PKI-IPA"
issued by CA and saved.
Dec  3 20:47:26 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "Server-Cert" in
token "NSS Certificate DB" in database "/etc/dirsrv/slapd-ABAQIS-COM"
issued by CA and saved.
Dec  3 20:47:26 ipa2 python: Updating certificate for auditSigningCert
Dec  3 20:47:26 ipa2 python: Updating certificate for ocspSigningCert
Dec  3 20:47:27 ipa2 python: Updating certificate for subsystemCert
Dec  3 20:47:27 ipa2 python: Updating certificate for ipaCert
Dec  3 20:47:28 ipa2 python: certmonger stopping pki-cad
Dec  3 20:48:04 ipa2 python: certmonger started pki-cad, nickname
'auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca'
Dec  3 20:48:04 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "auditSigningCert
cert-pki-ca" in token "NSS Certificate DB" in database
"/var/lib/pki-ca/alias" issued by CA and saved.
Dec  3 20:48:08 ipa2 python: certmonger stopping pki-cad
Dec  3 20:48:44 ipa2 python: certmonger started pki-cad, nickname
'ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca'
Dec  3 20:48:44 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "ocspSigningCert
cert-pki-ca" in token "NSS Certificate DB" in database
"/var/lib/pki-ca/alias" issued by CA and saved.
Dec  3 20:48:48 ipa2 python: certmonger stopping pki-cad
Dec  3 20:49:24 ipa2 python: certmonger started pki-cad, nickname
'subsystemCert cert-pki-ca'
Dec  3 20:49:24 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "subsystemCert
cert-pki-ca" in token "NSS Certificate DB" in database
"/var/lib/pki-ca/alias" issued by CA and saved.
Dec  3 20:49:27 ipa2 python: certmonger restarted httpd
Dec  3 20:49:29 ipa2 certmonger: Certificate named "ipaCert" in token
"NSS Certificate DB" in database "/etc/httpd/alias" issued by CA and

Sorry for the word wrap there. Certmonger continued to run throughout
it appears. The dates line up correctly, certmonger on the primary
renewed on the 3rd and the secondary failed to get the new certificate
which led straight back to the same place.

But you were able to fix it again, right?

I wonder if there are any AVCs around renewal time.


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