On 19.1.2014 03:38, andrew.tranqu...@mailtrust.com wrote:
It seems to be at random and on different servers, but I will see the following 
in named.run:

update_zone (psearch) failed for 
'idnsname=example.com,cn=dns,dc=example,dc=com'. Zones can be outdated, run 
`rndc reload`: bad zone
This typically mean that your zone is missing NS or glue records. Did you do some changes in the zone at time when the message appeared?

Do you see any errors related to connection between LDAP server and named? Look carefully to /var/log/messages for any other messages from named.

When I see this, I cannot do any dns lookup for records in example.com. In 
addition, named will not restart, I have to manually kill it and then start it 
again. Once it is restarted, everything is fine, I can lookup records again.
This is really weird. Could you capture stacks at the time when the problem manifests?

You can use following commands:
$ yum install gdb
$ debuginfo-install bind bind-dyndb-ldap
$ gdb -ex 'set confirm off' -ex 'set pagination off' -ex 'thread apply all bt full' -ex 'quit' `which named` `pgrep named` > stacktrace.`date +%s`.log 2>&1

Please send the stracktrace file to this list of privately to me and I will look into it.

Have a nice day!

Petr^2 Spacek

I am looking for suggestions on troubleshooting or if anyone has seen this 
before and found a resolution.

I am running Centos 6.5:


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