On 1.4.2014 21:51, Brendan Kearney wrote:
No, it is not.

ok then.  still, i am trying to learn the individual pieces and get them
working together.

Okay then. I'm attaching SASL mapping configuration we use in FreeIPA.

You can read all the gory details on

Please let us know what configuration works for your with OpenLDAP so we can add this information to bind-dyndb-ldap docs or wiki.

Have a nice day!

Petr^2 Spacek
version: 1

dn: cn=mapping,cn=sasl,cn=config
objectClass: nsContainer
objectClass: top
cn: mapping

dn: cn=Full Principal,cn=mapping,cn=sasl,cn=config
objectClass: nsSaslMapping
objectClass: top
cn: Full Principal
nsSaslMapBaseDNTemplate: dc=ipa,dc=example
nsSaslMapFilterTemplate: (krbPrincipalName=\1@\2)
nsSaslMapRegexString: \(.*\)@\(.*\)
nsSaslMapPriority: 10

dn: cn=Name Only,cn=mapping,cn=sasl,cn=config
objectClass: nsSaslMapping
objectClass: top
cn: Name Only
nsSaslMapBaseDNTemplate: dc=ipa,dc=example
nsSaslMapFilterTemplate: (krbPrincipalName=&@IPA.EXAMPLE)
nsSaslMapRegexString: ^[^:@]+$
nsSaslMapPriority: 10

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