I assumed. It obviously hasn't helped our sudo situation, but I wouldn't expect it to. I'll let you know how it plays against screensavers and such.

On 05/23/2014 10:05 AM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:
On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 04:03:44PM +0200, Jakub Hrozek wrote:
On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 09:48:00AM -0400, Bret Wortman wrote:
More soft/anecdotal:

When executing "sudo -i" or "sudo -iu" the first time, we can expect
a several second delay before the command completes. If we then exit
the session and re-execute the command, it will complete almost
instantly. So whatever cache is holding this information, if we
could increase its duration, that would certainly make our pain
less. Is this a settable value?

Entering a password into a screensaver is particularly painful. 10+
seconds before the screensaver will exit.

We are looking at environmental possibilities, like interfaces and
such. This machine is running on a VMware VM, but we've had success
deploying IPA on VMs in the past, and our faster network is running
VMs as well (with one physical box).
Can you try increasing this option:

        pam_id_timeout (integer)
            For any PAM request while SSSD is online, the SSSD will attempt to
            immediately update the cached identity information for the user in
            order to ensure that authentication takes place with the latest

            A complete PAM conversation may perform multiple PAM requests, such
            as account management and session opening. This option controls (on
            a per-client-application basis) how long (in seconds) we can cache
            the identity information to avoid excessive round-trips to the
            identity provider.

            Default: 5
I should also have explicitly said that the option belongs to the [pam]

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