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On 07/28/2014 12:20 PM, Ade Lee wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-07-28 at 12:14 -0700, Erinn Looney-Triggs wrote:
>> On 07/28/2014 11:07 AM, Ade Lee wrote:
>>>> No exceptions thrown in the journal.
>>>> When investigating the cacert.p12 file that is bundled up
>>>> for the replica's I see two caSigningCert's. One is the older
>>>> one, before I renewed and one is the new, valid, post renewal
>>>> one. Are these the certs that are used or are they requested
>>>> from the primary much like the servercert?
>>> I think the problem might be that there are two
>>> caSigningCerts, with presumably the same nickname.  We need to
>>> try and generate a p12 file without the old pre-renewal signing
>>> cert.
>>> Does the master certdb contain both certs with the same
>>> nickname? If so, you could try to remove the old signing cert
>>> from the master certdb and then regenerate the pkcs12 using
>>> PKCS12Export.
>>> Here is one way you could try to do this: 1. Export the
>>> caSigning cert from the certdb using pk12util.  Check that only
>>> the latest cert/key has been exported.  Make sure to note down
>>> the exact cert nickname.  If so, then continue .. 2. Shut down
>>> the CA. 3. IMPORTANT: Back up the certdb. 4. Delete the
>>> caSigning cert from the certdb using certutil.  You may have to
>>> do this twice to remove both certs. 5. Re-import the saved
>>> caSigningCert using pk12util. 6. Restart the CA.
>>>> However, when examining the /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias db
>>>> there is no casigningcert, hence I suppose the failure. So
>>>> somewhere in there it is getting lost, I'll keep looking but
>>>> throw me any ideas.
>>> By this, you are implying looking at the clone certdb, right?
>>> The cert should certainly still exist on the master.  The cert
>>> not being in the clone certdb is because it fails to be
>>> imported from the PKCS12 file.
>>>> -Erinn
>> Ok to make sure we are on the same page and I am not chasing my
>> own tail here, I am going to recap this as I understand the issue
>> now.
>> Essentially, we get a cacert.p12 file on the master IPA server
>> that was generated using: PKCS12Export -d $ALIAS_PATH -p
>> /root/keydb_pin -w /root/dm_password -o /root/cacert.p12
>> This cacert.p12 file contains multiple copies of certificates,
>> both expired and valid, for, well, multiple aliases in fact not
>> just the caSigningCert.
>> Nevertheless, because of these multiple copies of the
>> caSigningCert we are venturing a guess that this is munging up
>> the ca clone on the replica (a fair guess I would say). So there
>> is probably a bug in here somewhere, either on the exporting end,
>> or on the importing end.
>> So, I/we are trying to use the userspace tools to basically clean
>> up the NSS db to only have the valid copy of this certificate.
>> However, it appears to me that most of these tools are not
>> granular enough in their selection, the export everyhing with an
>> alias of 'caSigningCert cert-pki-ca' or delete all instance of
>> 'caSigningCert cert-pki-ca'. Kind of a sledgehammer for a penny
>> nail type thing. Does this sound about right?
>> If so, it looks like a more granular approach is warranted. I'll
>> be looking into python-nss as python is what I know best to see
>> if I can hack up something to whip the DB into proper shape.
>> Anything I am missing here? Sound like a reasonable approach?
> That sounds exactly right.
> You could try deleting the cert using certutil -D (make sure to
> back up the certdb first) and see if it will delete one or both
> certificates. Or you could try renaming the cert nick using
> certutil and see if it renames just one.
> Ade
>> -Erinn

certutil doesn't appear to have a rename option, there looks to be a
RFE open for it that was last updated about 5 years ago:

But if it is available in certutil it isn't documented. Though it is a
good thought, I reckoned as long as it renamed one of the certs then I
could get what I wanted to get done.

- -Erinn
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