On Fri, 2014-08-29 at 08:31 -0400, Bret Wortman wrote:
> Does this really need to be set to "yes" in /etc/sshd_config? I've 
> looked through the documentation and it only seems to say this for HP-UX 
> and AIX.

If you want to do SSO login (ie passwordless) you need that on.

> We're running freeipa 3.3.5-1 and are seeing some slow logins via ssh 
> that some users have reported speed up markedly when this setting is 
> toggled to "no". Before I make any wholesale change recommendations, I 
> wanted to check on this.

Users may fail to name the server properly, or servers may not have
keytabs, what I suggest is for users to add exceptions in
their .ssh/config so that their client skips trying SSO auth for hosts
that are known to fail to provide it.

Something like:
Host fails.example.com
    User root
    GSSAPIAuthentication no


Simo Sorce * Red Hat, Inc * New York

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