Hi that wasn't quite clear from me, yes I can login thanks for that!

But now I get an error on the associated domain:

postmap: dict_ldap_connect: Cached connection handle for LDAP source
postmap: dict_ldap_lookup: /etc/postfix/ldap/mydestination.cf:
Searching with filter (&(associatedDomain=u...@domain.tld))
postmap: dict_ldap_get_values[1]: Search found 0 match(es)
postmap: dict_ldap_get_values[1]: Leaving dict_ldap_get_values
postmap: dict_ldap_lookup: Search returned nothing
postmap: dict_ldap_close: Closed connection handle for LDAP source

But when I do a postmap check on this cf with domain.tld that gives a
match, as it should...

So that might need some modification ?

2014-11-22 2:14 GMT+01:00 Dmitri Pal <d...@redhat.com>:
> On 11/21/2014 07:57 PM, Matt . wrote:
>> I need to say, saslauth caches it, didn't restart that one actually as
>> it's kinda late!
> So when you restarted did it work or still no luck?
>> 2014-11-22 1:55 GMT+01:00 Matt . <yamakasi....@gmail.com>:
>>> HI,
>>> Yes and that doesn't let me login... that's the issue.
>>> 2014-11-22 1:45 GMT+01:00 Dmitri Pal <d...@redhat.com>:
>>>> On 11/21/2014 07:12 PM, Matt . wrote:
>>>>> HI Dimitri,
>>>>> Thanks, but it seems following the kolab devs that if kolab cannot
>>>>> determine the base dn, the other two do not matter.
>>>>> So what would you change exactly ?
>>>> I assume you use IPA as an LDAP server.
>>>> In the Kolab config I would change
>>>>                   'email'             => 'mail',
>>>> to
>>>>                   'email'             => 'uid',
>>>> In IPA I would use "name" in the uid and name@domain in email (as IPA
>>>> creates) by default.
>>>> and then try to log into Kolab using name.
>>>> So for me it would look like this:
>>>> In ipa:
>>>> uid: dpal
>>>> mail: d...@mydomain.com
>>>>> There might be need changed more.
>>>>> I hope we can get this fixed !
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Matt
>>>>> 2014-11-22 0:51 GMT+01:00 Dmitri Pal <d...@redhat.com>:
>>>>>> On 11/21/2014 06:42 PM, Matt . wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Dimitri,
>>>>>>> All I can say about that is that it's configured and uses ldap this
>>>>>>> this added to ldap:
>>>>>>> [root@kolab roundcubemail]# ldapsearch -x -h localhost -D
>>>>>>> "cn=Directory Manager" -w Welcome2KolabSystems -b
>>>>>>> "cn=kolab,cn=config"
>>>>>>> # extended LDIF
>>>>>>> #
>>>>>>> # LDAPv3
>>>>>>> # base <cn=kolab,cn=config> with scope subtree
>>>>>>> # filter: (objectclass=*)
>>>>>>> # requesting: ALL
>>>>>>> #
>>>>>>> # kolab, config
>>>>>>> dn: cn=kolab,cn=config
>>>>>>> objectClass: top
>>>>>>> objectClass: extensibleobject
>>>>>>> cn: kolab
>>>>>>> # example.org, kolab, config
>>>>>>> dn: associateddomain=example.org,cn=kolab,cn=config
>>>>>>> objectClass: top
>>>>>>> objectClass: domainrelatedobject
>>>>>>> objectClass: inetdomain
>>>>>>> associatedDomain: example.org
>>>>>>> associatedDomain: dc=internal,dc=local
>>>>>>> inetDomainBaseDN: dc=internal,dc=local
>>>>>>> # search result
>>>>>>> search: 2
>>>>>>> result: 0 Success
>>>>>>> # numResponses: 3
>>>>>>> # numEntries: 2
>>>>>>> kolab_auth.inc.php
>>>>>>> <?php
>>>>>>>        // The id of the LDAP address book (which refers to the
>>>>>>> rcmail_config['ldap_public'])
>>>>>>>        // or complete addressbook definition array.
>>>>>>>        $config['kolab_auth_addressbook'] = Array(
>>>>>>>            'name'                      => 'Kolab Auth',
>>>>>>>            'hosts'                     => Array('172.16.xx.xx'),
>>>>>>>            'port'                      => 389,
>>>>>>>            'use_tls'                   => false,
>>>>>>>            'user_specific'             => false,
>>>>>>>            'base_dn'                   =>
>>>>>>> 'cn=accounts,dc=domain,dc=local',
>>>>>>>            'bind_dn'                   =>
>>>>>>> 'uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=domain,dc=local',
>>>>>>>            'bind_pass'                 => 'xxxxxx',
>>>>>>>            'writable'                  => false,
>>>>>>>            'ldap_version'              => 3,       // using LDAPv3
>>>>>>>            'fieldmap'                  => Array(
>>>>>>>                    'name'              => 'displayname',
>>>>>>>                    'email'             => 'mail',
>>>>>> Here you can use uid instead of mail.
>>>>>> Then user will be able to login into Kolab with a simple name instead
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> longer mail.
>>>>>> Then you would be able to put n...@domain.tld into the mail attribute.
>>>>>> It seems that Kolab assumes that mail is a single valued attribute in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> directory while in general it is not the case.
>>>>>> So the best would be to use come other attribute for login.
>>>>>> HTH.
>>>>>>>                    'email:alias'       => 'alias',
>>>>>>>                    'role'              => 'nsroledn',
>>>>>>>                ),
>>>>>>>            'sort'                      => 'displayname',
>>>>>>>            'scope'                     => 'sub',
>>>>>>>            'filter'                    => '(objectClass=*)',
>>>>>>>            'fuzzy_search'              => true,
>>>>>>>            'sizelimit'                 => '0',
>>>>>>>            'timelimit'                 => '0',
>>>>>>>            'groups'                    => Array(
>>>>>>>                    'base_dn'           =>
>>>>>>> 'cn=groups,dc=domain,dc=local',
>>>>>>>                    'filter'            =>
>>>>>>> '(|(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(objectclass=groupofurls))',
>>>>>>>                    'object_classes'    => Array('top',
>>>>>>> 'groupOfUniqueNames'),
>>>>>>>                    'member_attr'       => 'uniqueMember',
>>>>>>>                ),
>>>>>>>        );
>>>>>>>        // This will overwrite defined filter
>>>>>>>        $config['kolab_auth_filter'] = '(&' . '(objectclass=inetuser)'
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> '(|(uid=%u)(mail=%fu)(alias=%fu)))';
>>>>>>>        // Use this fields (from fieldmap configuration) to get
>>>>>>> authentication ID
>>>>>>>        $config['kolab_auth_login'] = 'email';
>>>>>>>        // Use this fields (from fieldmap configuration) for default
>>>>>>> identity
>>>>>>>        $config['kolab_auth_name']  = 'name';
>>>>>>>        $config['kolab_auth_alias'] = 'alias';
>>>>>>>        $config['kolab_auth_email'] = 'email';
>>>>>>>        if (preg_match('/\/helpdesk-login\//',
>>>>>>> $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) )
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>            // Login and password of the admin user. Enables "Login
>>>>>>> As"
>>>>>>> feature.
>>>>>>>            $config['kolab_auth_admin_login']    = 'admin';
>>>>>>>            $config['kolab_auth_admin_password'] = 'xxxxxx';
>>>>>>>            $config['kolab_auth_auditlog'] = true;
>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>>        // Administrative role field (from fieldmap configuration)
>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>> must be filled with
>>>>>>>        // specified value which adds privilege to login as another
>>>>>>> user.
>>>>>>>        $config['kolab_auth_role']       = 'role';
>>>>>>>        $config['kolab_auth_role_value'] =
>>>>>>> 'cn=kolab-admin,dc=domain,dc=local';
>>>>>>>        // Administrative group name to which user must be assigned to
>>>>>>>        // which adds privilege to login as another user.
>>>>>>>        $config['kolab_auth_group'] = 'Kolab Helpdesk';
>>>>>>>        if (file_exists(RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR . '/' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> '/' . basename(__FILE__))) {
>>>>>>>            include_once(RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR . '/' .
>>>>>>> $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] .
>>>>>>> '/' . basename(__FILE__));
>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>> ?>
>>>>>>> Does this help you some ?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Dmitri Pal
>>>>>> Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
>>>>>> Red Hat, Inc.
>>>> --
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Dmitri Pal
>>>> Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
>>>> Red Hat, Inc.
> --
> Thank you,
> Dmitri Pal
> Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
> Red Hat, Inc.

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