Hello all,

I'm having a little trouble with the automember function using
"enrolledby" attribute. I have tried a number of different regex's
to define the username and automagically enroll the host into the
specified host group:

  .*ipainstaller.*  <no quotes around regex>
  ".*ipainstaller.*"  <double quotes around regex>
  '.*ipainstaller.*'  <single quotes around regex>

After client install, the server command:

server#> ipa host-find machine.example.com --all

shows: enrolledby_user: ipainstaller  <this is the correct output>
but the machine is not enrolled in the assigned host group.

My server is Centos 7 with ipa-server.x86_64 3.3.3-28.0.1.el7.centos.3 from the updates repo.

I found this link, but it doesn't look like any work has been
done on this issue. https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3598

Has anyone seen this issue and/or have a workaround?



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