On 03/24/2015 09:49 AM, Łukasz Jaworski wrote:
Wiadomość napisana przez Martin Kosek <mko...@redhat.com> w dniu 23 mar 2015, o 
godz. 12:04:
On 03/23/2015 04:07 AM, Janelle wrote:
attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral,
ldap://ipa1.example.com:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
Hm, I do not met this error yet. This looks like error from 389-ds-base, it has
functions like attrlist_replace.

If this is the case, can you please share a bigger section of the errors log,
ideally for the whole day (if not too big)? There might be some other related
error messages. CCing Ludwig and Thierry for reference.

Also, what environment are we talking about, is this still
FreeIPA 4.1.3@CentOS-7? Maybe the server also has a replication agreement also
with CentOS-6? We need to know this also.
We have the same problem (yesterday we've migrated users to IPA4, 8 server wit 
--setup-ca), on every server we have many:

[24/Mar/2015:09:40:04 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx28.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:08 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx26.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:08 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx26.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:08 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx26.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:08 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx51.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:08 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx51.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:08 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx51.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:14 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx26.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:14 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx26.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:14 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx26.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:14 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx51.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:14 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx51.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:14 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx51.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:16 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx26.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:16 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx26.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:16 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx26.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:17 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx28.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:17 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx28.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
[24/Mar/2015:09:40:17 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace (nsslapd-referral, 
ldap://xxxxx28.xxxxx:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.

Distributor ID: Fedora
Description:    Fedora release 21 (Twenty One)

389-ds and freeipa:

Best regards,


   It seems that this error is logged each time a replication session
   is started. At the beginning of the session, the replica that
   receive the replication request, tries to update the referral list
   of the replicated suffix (replica) according to the metadata sent by
   the master.
   At this step, it fails with these logs.
   I would like to check the validity (duplicate ?) of if the referrals
   contained in the master metadata. Would it be possible you do the
   following command on all your instances:

   ldapsearch -h.. -pxxx -D "cn=directory manager" -w xxx -b 


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