On 05/19/2015 03:23 AM, Janelle wrote:
Once again, replication/sync has been lost. I really wish the product was more
stable, it is so much potential and yet.

Servers running for 6 days no issues. No new accounts or changes (maybe a few
users changing passwords) and again, 5 out of 16 servers are no longer in sync.

I can test it easily by adding an account and then waiting a few minutes, then
run "ipa  user-show --all username" on all the servers, and only a few of them
have the account.  I have now waited 15 minutes, still no luck.

Oh well.. I guess I will go look at alternatives. I had such high hopes for
this tool. Thanks so much everyone for all your help in trying to get things
stable, but for whatever reason, there is a random loss of sync among the
servers and obviously this is not acceptable.

Hello Janelle,

I am very sorry to hear about your troubles. Would you be still OK with helping us (mostly Ludwig and Thierry) investigate what is the root cause of the instability of the replication agreements? This is obviously something that should not be happening at this rate as in your deployment, so I would really like to be able to identity and fix this issue in the 389 DS.

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