On Fri, 05 Jun 2015, Alexander Frolushkin wrote:
1. Thank you for this information, but "offline domain" this is only a
correlation fact - real problem is that a number of user groups of AD
account missing.
wbinfo has nothing to do with the actual system state because we don't
use winbindd in RHEL 7 to resolve users/groups from trusted domains.

2. sssd in debug mode showing only Doman Users group on hbac stage.
-EPARSE. Show logs or it did not happen :)

Am I understanding correctly that currently on ipa server there is no
way to check trusts or AD servers connectivity? Because it seems like
problem is site-related, only servers in two regions have problem with
AD user groups...
No, you are not understanding correctly. If you enable debugging
information in SSSD configuration, you'll see all what SSSD thinks about
connectivity towards AD DCs.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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