Thanks Simo & Fraser,

Creating a .netrc file on the client computer with according to the SO
postings with below content made things work perfectly!
machine  username '' password ''
machine gitserver         username '' password ''

I would like to use TLS and I've made it work by turning off ssl validation
in git:
git config --global http.sslVerify false

If I would like to use ssl validation, is there some way to use a
certificate for the CNAME? Seems I can only add certificate (at least from
the UI) for a valid principal?

(I'm using freeipa-server 4.2.3 on F23)


-- john

2015-11-08 23:55 GMT+01:00 Simo Sorce <>:

> On 08/11/15 08:07, John Obaterspok wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Anyone got git-http-backend working with freeipa group auhentication and
>> would like to share their apache .conf file?
>> I've tried this on the IPA server with a dummy git repository setup in
>> /opt/gitrepos/test1.git
>> is a CNAME for
>> First, "git clone"; prompts (even
>> though I
>> have a ticket) for user+pwd but still fails.
>> Any suggestions are welcome!
>> -- john
>> <VirtualHost>
>>          DocumentRoot /opt/gitrepos
>>          # semanage fcontext -a -t git_rw_content_t '/opt/gitrepos(/.*)?'
>>          # restorecon -R -v /opt/gitrepos
>>          SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /opt/gitrepos
>>          SetEnv GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL
>>          ScriptAlias / /usr/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend/
>>          ServerName
>>          <Directory "/usr/libexec/git-core">
>>                  Options Indexes
>>                  AllowOverride None
>>                  Require all granted
>>          </Directory>
>>          <Directory "/opt/gitrepos">
>>                  Options Indexes
>>                  AllowOverride None
>>                  Require all granted
>>          </Directory>
>>          <LocationMatch "/">
>>                  AuthType Kerberos
>>                  AuthName "Kerberos Login"
>>                  KrbAuthRealm MY.LAN
>>                  Krb5KeyTab /etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab
>>                  KrbMethodNegotiate on
>>                  KrbMethodK5Passwd off
>>                  KrbSaveCredentials on
>>                  KrbVerifyKDC on
>>                  KrbServiceName HTTP
>>                  AuthLDAPUrl
>> ldap://,dc=lan?krbPrincipalName
>>                  Require ldap-group cn=ipausers,dc=my,dc=lan
> This should probably be somehting like:
> cn=ipausers,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=my,dc=lan
> Although you should probably create a git specific group, especially if
> you want it to be a posix group that can own files (ipausers is not a posix
> group and we are actually trying to phase it out)
> Also you are not doing LDAP authentication, you only want to do
> authorization, and for that you may want to actually use nsswitch based
> authorization which can be cached by sssd and not a query out to LDAP for
> each connection.
> Unfortunately the basic Apache modules do not support system group
> authentication directly, so what you may do instead is to have a cron job
> that do the following:
> getent group git-users | cut -d: -f1,4 |tr ',' ' ' > /my/authorization/file
> And in apache have set the following directives instead of the above two:
> AuthGroupFile /my/authorization/file
> Require group git-users
> HTH,
> Simo
> --
> Simo Sorce * Red Hat, Inc * New York
> --
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