On 02/22/2016 11:51 PM, Timothy Geier wrote:

What’s the established procedure to start a 389 instance without any replication agreements enabled? The only thing that seemed close on google (http://directory.fedoraproject.org/docs/389ds/howto/howto-fix-and-reset-time-skew.html) seems risky and couldn’t be done
trivially in a production environment.
no, this is about how to get out of problems when replication could no longer synchronize its csn time generation, either by too many accumulate time drifts o playing with system time, hope you don't have to go thru this.

Enabling disabling a replication agreement can be done by setting the configuration parameter:

look for replication agreements (entries with objectclass=nsDS5ReplicationAgreement) and set
nsds5ReplicaEnabled: off

you can do this with an ldapmodify when the server is running or by editing /etc/dirsrv/slapd-<INSTANCE>/dse.ldif when teh server is stopped

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