On 04/22/2016 08:44 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
> On 21.04.2016 18:46, Oğuz Yarımtepe wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a REST API that is using the ipalib and written with Falcon.
>> Below is the code or you can check it online here: 
>> <http://paste.ubuntu.com/15966308/>http://paste.ubuntu.com/15966308/
>> from __future__ import print_function
>> from bson import json_util
>> import json
>> import falcon
>> from ipalib import api as ipaapi
>> from api.utils.utils import parse_json, check_connection
>> from api import settings
>> class Calls(object):
>>     #@falcon.before(check_connection)
>>     def on_post(self, req, resp):
>>         result_json = parse_json(req)
>>         command_name = result_json["command_name"]
>>         params = result_json["params"]
>>         if not hasattr(ipaapi.env, "conf"):
>>             #TODO: add kinit oguz for exceptional case
>>  ipaapi.bootstrap_with_global_options(context='satcloud_api')
>>             ipaapi.finalize()
>>             if ipaapi.env.in_server:
>>                 ipaapi.Backend.ldap2.connect()
>>             else:
>>                 ipaapi.Backend.rpcclient.connect()
>>         #import ipdb
>>         #ipdb.set_trace()
>>         command=ipaapi.Command
>>         command_result=getattr(command,command_name)
>>         #resp.set_cookie('api_status_cookie', 'True')
>>         if not params:
>>             resp.body = json.dumps(command_result())
>>             resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
>>         else:
>>             if type(params) == dict:
>>                 arguments = []
>>                 kwargs = dict()
>>                 for key, value in params.iteritems():
>>                     if "arg" in key:
>>                         arguments.append(value)
>>                     else:
>>                         kwargs[key]=value
>>                 try:
>>                     #for datetime serialization problems better to use bson
>>                     dump = command_result(*arguments, **kwargs)
>>                     resp.body = json.dumps(dump, default=json_util.default)
>>                     #resp.body = json.dumps(command_result(*arguments, 
>> **kwargs))
>>                     resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
>>                 except UnicodeDecodeError:
>>                     resp.body = json.dumps(dump, default=json_util.default, 
>> encoding='latin1')
>>                     resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
>>                 except Exception as e:
>>                     resp.status = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
>>                     resp.body = json.dumps({"description": e.message, 
>> "title": 
>> "Dublicate entry"})
>>                             #raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(title="Dublicate 
>> entry",
>>                                         #  description=e,
>>                                         #  href=settings.__docs__)
>>             else:
>>                 dump = command_result(params)
>>                 resp.body = json.dumps(dump, default=json_util.default)
>>                 #resp.body = json.dumps(command_result(params))
>>                 resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
>> Basically i am making concurrent calls to this rest api and i am getting
>> Network error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15966347/
>> ipa: INFO: Forwarding 'user_find' to json server 
>> '<https://ipa.foo.com/ipa/json>https://ipa.foo.com/ipa/json'
>> ipa: INFO: Forwarding 'netgroup_find' to json server 
>> '<https://ipa.foo.com/ipa/json>https://ipa.foo.com/ipa/json'
>> [pid: 5450|app: 0|req: 9/14] () {34 vars in 463 bytes} [Thu 
>> Apr 
>> 21 17:43:22 2016] POST /v1/ipa/calls => generated 2324 bytes in 227 msecs 
>> (HTTP/1.1 200) 8 headers in 459 bytes (1 switches on core 0)
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "falcon/api.py", line 213, in falcon.api.API.__call__ 
>> (falcon/api.c:2521)
>>   File "falcon/api.py", line 182, in falcon.api.API.__call__ 
>> (falcon/api.c:2118)
>>   File "./api/resources/ipa/calls.py", line 38, in on_post
>>     resp.body = json.dumps(command_result())
>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/frontend.py", line 443, in 
>> __call__
>>     ret = self.run(*args, **options)
>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/frontend.py", line 761, in 
>> run
>>     return self.forward(*args, **options)
>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/frontend.py", line 782, in 
>> forward
>>     return self.Backend.rpcclient.forward(self.name <http://self.name>, 
>> *args, 
>> **kw)
>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/rpc.py", line 935, in forward
>>     raise NetworkError(uri=server, error=e.errmsg)
>> ipalib.errors.NetworkError: cannot connect to 
>> '<https://ipa.foo.com/ipa/json>https://ipa.foo.com/ipa/json': Internal 
>> Server 
>> Error
>> [pid: 5451|app: 0|req: 3/15] () {34 vars in 463 bytes} [Thu 
>> Apr 
>> 21 17:43:22 2016] POST /v1/ipa/calls => generated 0 bytes in 1421 msecs 
>> (HTTP/1.1 500) 0 headers in 0 bytes (0 switches on core 0)
>> This is how a concurrent request is being sent:
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> from multiprocessing import Process, Pool
>> import time
>> import urllib2
>> def millis():
>>   return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
>> def http_get(url):
>>   start_time = millis()
>>   request = urllib2.Request(url, headers={"Content-Type": 
>> "application/json", 
>> "Origin": "http://ipa.foo.com";, "Authorization": "{'token': 
>> 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzcnYiOiJpcGEuc2F0Y2xvdWQuY29tLnRyIiwic3ViIjoiMGU1ZGZkNDc3N2I2NmNhOTU3ZTc4ZmJhZjMxNjYxMmEifQ.cr8cNy7zgQkY-q7UUyTCNPCjGlmz-LCCzUYSUV9P694'}"})
>>   result = {"url": url, "data": urllib2.urlopen(request, 
>> timeout=10).read()[:100]}
>>   #result = {"url": url, "data": urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=5).read()}
>>   print url + " took " + str(millis() - start_time) + " ms"
>>   return result
>> urls = ['http://api.foo.com:8888/v1/users', 
>> 'http://api.foo.com:8888/v1/organizations']
>> pool = Pool(processes=2)
>> start_time = millis()
>> results = pool.map(http_get, urls)
>> print "\nTotal took " + str(millis() - start_time) + " ms\n"
>> for result in results:
>>   print result
>> I am confused about the reason of the error. Any idea?
>> -- 
>> Oğuz Yarımtepe
>> http://about.me/oguzy
> Hello, could you check /var/logs/httpd/error_log if there is any info about 
> Internal server error?
> It looks like there is no session cookie set (but not sure). IMO because the 
> parallel processing you may need to use local instances of API instead the 
> global one for each thread/process.
>  From top of my head:
> api = create_api(mode=None)
> api.bootstrap(<optionshere>)
> api.finalize()
> But I'm not sure what is the exact problem, you need try :)
> Martin

Maybe you are hitting: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5653

Petr Vobornik

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