On 05/04/2016 03:41 PM, Armstrong, Jeffrey wrote:
> Hi
> I’m trying to add a to add a sudo command to a sudo rule.  It’s executing the 
> command but it’s not adding the sudo command.
> ipa sudorule-add-allow-command  –sudocmds  "/bin/su "  bkrc_rule
>    Rule name: bkrc_rule
>    Enabled: TRUE
> -------------------------
> Number of members added 0
> Thanks
> Jeff Armstrong

Does the SUDO command object exists?

# ipa sudorule-add-allow-command  --sudocmds  "/bin/su" test
  Rule name: test
  Enabled: TRUE
Number of members added 0
# ipa sudocmd-show /bin/su
ipa: ERROR: /bin/su: sudo command not found

More info here:

I assume not. I actually think that this is a bug that FreeIPA does not display
any warning in this ticket. Can you please file a ticket/bug?



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