On 05/16/2016 11:19 PM, Giuseppe Sarno wrote:

I am new to freeIPA and I am recently working on a project to integrate
freeIPA with some legacy application which uses LDAP for user management.

I have initially created our own ldap structure and I tried to run the
code against freeIPA/389DS. While running this example I noticed that
389DS takes quite some time to load profile data from the different ldap
nodes (~2000 entries). In a previous prototype using OpenDJ we had to
increase the parameter ds-cfg-size-limit: to ~1000 with good results. I
am wondering now whether we can do the same for the freeIPA/389DS
server. I found the following pages but I could not work out what the
exact command should be to modify those parameters.



I attempted the following but received a ObjectClass violation:

[centos@ldap-389ds-ireland ~]$ ldapmodify  -h ldap-389ds-ip -D
"cn=Directory Manager" -w '<password>' -f slimit

modifying entry "dc=ldap,dc=adeptra,dc=com"

ldap_modify: Object class violation (65)

        additional info: attribute "nsslapd-sizelimit" not allowed


dn: dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com

changetype: modify


nsslapd-sizelimit: 1000

I also attempted using a user dn but with the same result.

Can anybody help ?



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Hi Guiseppe,

the best way to tweak directory server configuration is this:

1.) stop directory server (systemctl stop dirsrv@EXAMPLE-COM

2.) edit /etc/dirsrv/slapd-EXAMPLE-COM/dse.ldif file:
locate the nsslapd-sizelimit entry and change the value

3.) start directory server (systemctl start dirsrv@EXAMPLE-COM)

You should see the new value if you search for it in the 'cn=config' subtree which hosts the configuration (not the dc=example,dc=com suffix you use).

Martin^3 Babinsky

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