On 10.06.2016 09:09, Günther J. Niederwimmer wrote:

can any help me to clear a question for DNSSEC, NSEC3

I have a domain created with bind and DNSSEC and NSEC3 I test this Domain and
other, not my Domain with


This site from Verisign tell me, I have all Secure and also the A, AAAA

FreeIPA 4.3.1 Centos 7.2

But when I test my IPA created domain

I miss the A, AAAA Records

can this be correct ?

Thanks for a answer

do you have configured A and AAAA records in zone apex of '4gjn.com'?

I can `dig +dnssec ipa.4gjn.com. A` with DNSSEC results but for `dig +dnssec 4gjn.com. A` , it looks like there is no A/AAAA records.

Can you provide output of the `ipa dnsrecord-show 4gjn.com. @` ?


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