Yes, PKI is running and I don't see any errors in selftests, I have
followed and restarted the PKI
in step 10.

The only change which I made was clean up userCertificate;binary before
adding new userCertificate in LDAP, which is step 12.

[root@caer ~]# /etc/init.d/pki-cad status
pki-ca (pid 8634) is running...                            [  OK  ]
    Unsecure Port       =
    Secure Agent Port   =
    Secure EE Port      =
    Secure Admin Port   =
    EE Client Auth Port =
    PKI Console Port    = pkiconsole
    Tomcat Port         = 9701 (for shutdown)

    PKI Instance Name:   pki-ca

    PKI Subsystem Type:  Root CA (Security Domain)

    Registered PKI Security Domain Information:

    Name:  IPA

[root@caer ~]#
[root@caer ~]# tail -f /var/log/pki-ca/selftests.log
8634.main - [18/Jul/2016:11:46:20 EDT] [20] [1] SelfTestSubsystem:  loading
all self test plugin logger parameters
8634.main - [18/Jul/2016:11:46:20 EDT] [20] [1] SelfTestSubsystem:  loading
all self test plugin instances
8634.main - [18/Jul/2016:11:46:20 EDT] [20] [1] SelfTestSubsystem:  loading
all self test plugin instance parameters
8634.main - [18/Jul/2016:11:46:20 EDT] [20] [1] SelfTestSubsystem:  loading
self test plugins in on-demand order
8634.main - [18/Jul/2016:11:46:20 EDT] [20] [1] SelfTestSubsystem:  loading
self test plugins in startup order
8634.main - [18/Jul/2016:11:46:20 EDT] [20] [1] SelfTestSubsystem: Self
test plugins have been successfully loaded!
8634.main - [18/Jul/2016:11:46:21 EDT] [20] [1] SelfTestSubsystem: Running
self test plugins specified to be executed at startup:
8634.main - [18/Jul/2016:11:46:21 EDT] [20] [1] CAPresence:  CA is present
8634.main - [18/Jul/2016:11:46:21 EDT] [20] [1] SystemCertsVerification:
system certs verification success
8634.main - [18/Jul/2016:11:46:21 EDT] [20] [1] SelfTestSubsystem: All
CRITICAL self test plugins ran SUCCESSFULLY at startup!

Your help is highly appreciated!

   Linov Suresh

   70 Forest Manor Rd.
   ON M2J 0A9
   Mobile: +1 647 406 9438

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:50 AM, Petr Vobornik <> wrote:

> On 07/18/2016 05:45 AM, Linov Suresh wrote:
> > Thanks for the update Rob. I went back to Jan 20, 2016, restarted CA and
> > certmonger. Look like certificates were renewed. But I'm getting a
> different
> > error now,
> >
> > *ca-error: Internal error: no response to
> > "
> ".*
> Is PKI running? When you change the time, does restart of IPA help?
> >
> > [root@caer ~]# getcert list
> > Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 8.
> > Request ID '20111214223243':
> >          status: MONITORING
> >          stuck: no
> >          key pair storage:
> >
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-TELOIP-NET',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS
> > Certificate DB',pinfile='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-TELOIP-NET//pwdfile.txt'
> >          certificate:
> >
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-TELOIP-NET',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS
> > Certificate DB'
> >          CA: IPA
> >          issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=TELOIP.NET <
> http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          subject: <>,O=
> > <http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          expires: 2016-07-18 15:54:36 UTC
> >          eku: id-kp-serverAuth
> >          pre-save command:
> >          post-save command:
> >          track: yes
> >          auto-renew: yes
> > Request ID '20111214223300':
> >          status: MONITORING
> >          stuck: no
> >          key pair storage:
> >
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-PKI-IPA',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS
> Certificate
> > DB',pinfile='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-PKI-IPA//pwdfile.txt'
> >          certificate:
> >
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/dirsrv/slapd-PKI-IPA',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS
> Certificate
> > DB'
> >          CA: IPA
> >          issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=TELOIP.NET <
> http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          subject: <>,O=
> > <http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          expires: 2016-07-18 15:54:52 UTC
> >          eku: id-kp-serverAuth
> >          pre-save command:
> >          post-save command:
> >          track: yes
> >          auto-renew: yes
> > Request ID '20111214223316':
> >          status: MONITORING
> >          stuck: no
> >          key pair storage:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS
> > Certificate DB',pinfile='/etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt'
> >          certificate:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='Server-Cert',token='NSS
> > Certificate DB'
> >          CA: IPA
> >          issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=TELOIP.NET <
> http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          subject: <>,O=
> > <http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          expires: 2016-07-18 15:55:04 UTC
> >          eku: id-kp-serverAuth
> >          pre-save command:
> >          post-save command:
> >          track: yes
> >          auto-renew: yes
> > Request ID '20130519130741':
> >          status: MONITORING
> >          ca-error: Internal error: no response to
> > "
> ".
> >          stuck: no
> >          key pair storage:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='auditSigningCert
> > cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin='297100916664'
> >          certificate:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='auditSigningCert
> > cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> >          CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
> >          issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=TELOIP.NET <
> http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          subject: CN=CA Audit,O=TELOIP.NET <http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          expires: 2017-10-13 14:10:49 UTC
> >          pre-save command: /usr/lib64/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> >          post-save command: /usr/lib64/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> > "auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca"
> >          track: yes
> >          auto-renew: yes
> > Request ID '20130519130742':
> >          status: MONITORING
> >          ca-error: Internal error: no response to
> > "
> ".
> >          stuck: no
> >          key pair storage:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='ocspSigningCert
> > cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin='297100916664'
> >          certificate:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='ocspSigningCert
> > cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> >          CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
> >          issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=TELOIP.NET <
> http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          subject: CN=OCSP Subsystem,O=TELOIP.NET <http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          expires: 2017-10-13 14:09:49 UTC
> >          eku: id-kp-OCSPSigning
> >          pre-save command: /usr/lib64/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> >          post-save command: /usr/lib64/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> > "ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca"
> >          track: yes
> >          auto-renew: yes
> > Request ID '20130519130743':
> >          status: MONITORING
> >          ca-error: Internal error: no response to
> > "
> ".
> >          stuck: no
> >          key pair storage:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='subsystemCert
> > cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin='297100916664'
> >          certificate:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='subsystemCert
> > cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> >          CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
> >          issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=TELOIP.NET <
> http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          subject: CN=CA Subsystem,O=TELOIP.NET <http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          expires: 2017-10-13 14:09:49 UTC
> >          eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
> >          pre-save command: /usr/lib64/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> >          post-save command: /usr/lib64/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> > "subsystemCert cert-pki-ca"
> >          track: yes
> >          auto-renew: yes
> > Request ID '20130519130744':
> >          status: MONITORING
> >          ca-error: Internal error: no response to
> > "
> ".
> >          stuck: no
> >          key pair storage:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='ipaCert',token='NSS
> Certificate
> > DB',pinfile='/etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt'
> >          certificate:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='ipaCert',token='NSS
> Certificate DB'
> >          CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
> >          issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=TELOIP.NET <
> http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          subject: CN=RA Subsystem,O=TELOIP.NET <http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          expires: 2017-10-13 14:09:49 UTC
> >          eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
> >          pre-save command:
> >          post-save command: /usr/lib64/ipa/certmonger/restart_httpd
> >          track: yes
> >          auto-renew: yes
> > Request ID '20130519130745':
> >          status: MONITORING
> >          ca-error: Internal error: no response to
> > "
> ".
> >          stuck: no
> >          key pair storage:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='Server-Cert
> > cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin='297100916664'
> >          certificate:
> > type=NSSDB,location='/var/lib/pki-ca/alias',nickname='Server-Cert
> > cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> >          CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
> >          issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=TELOIP.NET <
> http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          subject: <>,O=
> > <http://TELOIP.NET>
> >          expires: 2017-10-13 14:09:49 UTC
> >          eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
> >          pre-save command:
> >          post-save command: /usr/lib64/ipa/certmonger/restart_dirsrv "
> > <http://TELOIP.NET>"
> >          track: yes
> >          auto-renew: yes
> > [root@caer ~]#
> >
> > Your help is highly appreciated!
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 5:08 PM, Rob Crittenden <
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> >     Linov Suresh wrote:
> >
> >         I logged into my IPA master, and found that the cert had expired
> again,
> >         we renewed these certificates about 18 months ago.
> >
> >         Our environment is CentOS 6.4 and IPA 3.0.0-26.
> >
> >
> >            I followed the Redhat documentation,How do I manually renew
> Identity
> >            Management (IPA) certificates after they have expired?
> (Master IPA
> >            Server), but no
> luck.
> >
> >
> >         I have also changed the directive "NSSEnforceValidCerts off" in
> >         /etc/httpd/conf.d/nss.conf and the value of
> nsslapd-validate-cert is warn.
> >
> >         ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 7389 -D 'cn=directory manager' -w
> *******
> >         -b  cn=config | grep  nsslapd-validate-cert
> >
> >         nsslapd-validate-cert: warn
> >
> >         Here is my getcert list,
> >
> >         [root@caer ~]# getcert list
> >
> >
> >     It looks like your CA subsystem certificates all renewed
> successfully it is
> >     just the webserver and LDAP certificates that need renewing so
> that's good.
> >
> >     What I'd do is go back in time again to say Jan 20, 2016 and restart
> >     certmonger. That should make it retry the renewals.
> >
> >     rob
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Petr Vobornik
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