On 24.07.2016 16:33, Anthony Clark wrote:
Hello All,

I have a crazy notion of storing a host's SSH private keys in a ipa vault, so that a rebuilt host can use the same keys.

I'm on CentOS 7.2 and I'm using the RPMs available in the standard centos base repository, so I'm constrained to version 1.0 vaults. I'm using this page: http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Password_Vault_1.0#Provisioning_service_vault_password_for_service_instance

I'm trying these following steps but running into trouble:

ipa service-add ssh/test01.dev.redacted.net <http://test01.dev.redacted.net>

certutil -N -d testcertdb

certutil -R -d testcertdb -a -g 2048 -s 'CN=test01.dev.redacted.net <http://test01.dev.redacted.net>,O=DEV.REDACTED.NET <http://DEV.REDACTED.NET>'
<paste that csr into the ipa web gui>

ipa-getcert request -r -f testsshd01-cert.pem -k testsshd01-key.pem -K ssh/test01.dev.redacted....@dev.redacted.net <mailto:test01.dev.redacted....@dev.redacted.net>

ipa vault-add testsshd02 --service ssh/test01.dev.redacted....@dev.redacted.net <mailto:test01.dev.redacted....@dev.redacted.net> --type asymmetric --public-key-file testsshd01-cert.pem

the last command gives me "ipa: ERROR: invalid 'ipavaultpublickey': Invalid or unsupported vault public key: Could not unserialize key data."

Is there a preferred way to create a public key for asymmetric encryption for a service vault?


Anthony Clark

I suspect you should use just private key, not certificate


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