Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:

I would like to restore IPA from a backup taken on another host.

My use case is to create a new QA environment and dont want to go over
the process of recreating all the users.

I tried to restore IPA from the backup taken in my first environment .
But, that failed with hostname difference issues.

Is there a way to get this working.

Not easily. A backup has the original hostname all over the place: in keytabs, SSL certificates, configuration files, etc.

You could do it by naming the QA environment the same as the production host but yeah, that'd be confusing (and dangerous).

There is probably a way to do it manually, by pulling apart the backup, grabbing the ldif, massaging it just so and importing it. There may be other configuration changes too to match the running environment. But lots of things _still_ wouldn't work without extra effort: you'd have a separate CA, Kerberos master key, etc. So, for example, none of the entries you imported via the LDIF would work with Kerberos because they'd be signed by the wrong master key (the one from production). Maybe that's ok.

It might be death by a thousand cuts as you run into corner case after corner case.

If you're ok with a snapshot in time you could install the QA system as a replica of production, then remove the replication agreement, leaving it standalone. You'd need to do this for the CA as well, and probably after the fact configure a DNA range for new entries.


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