On 1.8.2016 09:08, Jakub Hrozek wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 02:02:56PM +0530, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:
>> Thanks Jakub for the detailed analysis... with those inputs , I was able to
>> nail down the issue.
>> I had migrated this host from openldap to freeipa.. However, nslcd daemon
>> was still running and the sylog pointed me to the error "unable to contact
>> the earlier openldap server" and it spent some time there...
>> So, I stopped nslcd and now logins have improved drastically to around 5s
>> date;ssh testuser@localhost
>> Sat Jul 30 08:09:13 UTC 2016
>> testuser@localhost's password:
>> Last login: Sat Jul 30 08:08:55 2016 from
>> [p-rakeshpillai@prod1-admintools-1c :~] date
>> Sat Jul 30 08:09:18 UTC 2016
>> For the ipa_hostname entry in sssd.conf, that gets auto populated entered
>> everytime I run ipa-client-install .
>> I run the below command to setup ipa client
>> ipa-client-install --domain=xyz.xom --server=ipa-master-int.xyz.xom
>> --realm=xyz.xom -p admin --password=mypass--mkhomedir --hostname=
>> --no-ssh --no-sshd -N -f -U

Hostname == IP address will break Kerberos authentication in cases where
client wants to connect using DNS name instead of IP address.

E.g. it will break "ssh user@server" where server is the machine you installed
using the command above.

Petr^2 Spacek

>> Notice that, In the hostname argument, I am passing the IP address. Hope
>> thats fine, its actually working fine on around 2000+ servers in my
>> environment.
> I wonder if this works only by accident. Even if you run
> ipa-client-install --hostname then you'll see in the help this is
> supposed to be FQDN. Kerberos got less picky about hostnames in the
> recent releases, but still..
>> I had earlier tried with servername.domain ( qa-test1.yyz.com as the
>> hostname ) and my servers hostname would get changed to  qa-test1.yyz.com .
>> However, we do our deployments on glassfish and glassfish somehow started
>> having issue everytime we restart glassfish ( not an expert with glassfish
>> ) so not sure whats wrong there.
>> With this approach , my hostname is now my ipaddress and  things are
>> working fine both at galssfish and IPA side.
>> But just want to confirm its ok to do that
>> Thanks,
>> Rakesh
>> On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 5:10 PM, Jakub Hrozek <jhro...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 06:07:10PM +0530, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:
>>>>> Any change that it's running on a VM? If so, check your entropy:
>>>>> cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
>>>>> If it's low (like < 1k), install haveged.
>>>> this indeed is vm , am running it on azure . However, I have a similar
>>> set
>>>> up running on aws which works completely fine
>>> Sorry about the delay in replying..
>>>> The entropy was low, around 180, I installed haveged and now its above 3k
>>>> cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
>>>> 3178
>>>> The timing though is still the same around 19s
>>> I have some comments inline about the config and logs.
>>>> @jakub, i am reattaching the logs.
>>>> The dns resoltion seems fast when I check using dig
>>>> below is my sssd.conf
>>>> [domain/xyz.com]
>>>> selinux_provider=none
>>>> krb5_auth_timeout = 20
>>>> cache_credentials = True
>>>> krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
>>>> ipa_domain = xyz.com
>>>> id_provider = ipa
>>>> auth_provider = ipa
>>>> access_provider = ipa
>>>> ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ipa/ca.crt
>>>> ipa_hostname =
>>> The ipa_hostname value is wrong. It's meant for systems where hostname
>>> reports a different name that what is the name the host is registered as
>>> in IPA. Including an IP address there doesn't make much sense.
>>>> chpass_provider = ipa
>>>> ipa_server = ipa-master-in.xyz.com
>>>> dns_discovery_domain = xyz.com
>>>> ignore_group_members=True
>>>> ldap_purge_cache_timeout = 0
>>>> debug_level=8
>>>> [sssd]
>>>> services = nss, sudo, pam, ssh
>>>> config_file_version = 2
>>>> domains = xyz.com
>>>> [nss]
>>>> homedir_substring = /home
>>>> [pam]
>>>> pam_id_timeout = 3
>>>> [sudo]
>>>> [autofs]
>>>> [ssh]
>>>> [pac]
>>>> [ifp]
>>>> And here is the login times and logs
>>>> [root@ipa-client-1 :~] date;ssh testuser@localhost
>>>> Tue Jul 26 12:06:37 UTC 2016
>>>> testuser@localhost's password:
>>>> Last login: Tue Jul 26 12:03:53 2016 from
>>>> [testuser@ipa-client-1 :~] date
>>>> Tue Jul 26 12:06:55 UTC 2016
>>>> sssd_domain logs
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:40 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_message_handler]
>>>> (0x2000): Received SBUS method
>>>> org.freedesktop.sssd.dataprovider.getAccountInfo on path
>>>> /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:40 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send]
>>>> (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:40 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_get_account_info]
>>>> (0x0200): Got request for [0x3][1][name=testuser]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:40 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_req_set_domain]
>>>> (0x0400): Changing request domain from [xyz.com] to [xyz.com]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:40 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]]
>>>> [sdap_idmap_domain_has_algorithmic_mapping] (0x0080): Could not parse
>>>> domain SID from [(null)]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:40 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]]
>>>> [sdap_idmap_domain_has_algorithmic_mapping] (0x0080): Could not parse
>>>> domain SID from [(null)]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:40 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]]
>>> [sdap_get_initgr_next_base]
>>>> (0x0400): Searching for users with base [cn=accounts,dc=xyz,dc=com]
>>> --> A request for user's groups arrived.
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:40 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sdap_print_server]
>>>> (0x2000): Searching
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:40 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]]
>>> [sdap_get_generic_ext_step]
>>>> (0x0400): calling ldap_search_ext with
>>> [(&(uid=testuser)(objectclass=posixAccount)(&(uidNumber=*)(!(uidNumber=0))))][cn=accounts,dc=xyz,dc=com].
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:40 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]]
>>> [sdap_get_generic_ext_step]
>>>> (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [objectClass]
>>> [...]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [acctinfo_callback]
>>>> (0x0100): Request processed. Returned 0,0,Success (Success)
>>> ---> Here the request for user's groups finished. It took about a second
>>> in total.
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_message_handler]
>>>> (0x2000): Received SBUS method
>>> org.freedesktop.sssd.dataprovider.pamHandler
>>>> on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send]
>>>> (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_req_set_domain]
>>>> (0x0400): Changing request domain from [xyz.com] to [xyz.com]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler]
>>> (0x0100):
>>>> Got request with the following data
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [pam_print_data]
>>> (0x0100):
>>>> command: SSS_PAM_PREAUTH
>>> Preauthentication checks for available login methods...
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler_callback]
>>>> (0x0100): Backend returned: (0, 0, <NULL>) [Success (Success)]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler_callback]
>>>> (0x0100): Sending result [0][xyz.com]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler_callback]
>>>> (0x0100): Sent result [0][xyz.com]
>>> ---> Here the preauth request finished, within a second.
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_message_handler]
>>>> (0x2000): Received SBUS method
>>> org.freedesktop.sssd.dataprovider.pamHandler
>>>> on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send]
>>>> (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_req_set_domain]
>>>> (0x0400): Changing request domain from [xyz.com] to [xyz.com]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler]
>>> (0x0100):
>>>> Got request with the following data
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [pam_print_data]
>>> (0x0100):
>>>> command: PAM_AUTHENTICATE
>>> ---> Authentication request is recieved.
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [krb5_auth_queue_done]
>>>> (0x1000): krb5_auth_queue request [0x7f88d1142ab0] done.
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler_callback]
>>>> (0x0100): Backend returned: (0, 0, <NULL>) [Success (Success)]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler_callback]
>>>> (0x0100): Sending result [0][xyz.com]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:41 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler_callback]
>>>> (0x0100): Sent result [0][xyz.com]
>>> Here the authentication finished successfully, again within a second..
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_message_handler]
>>>> (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.service.ping on path
>>>> /org/freedesktop/sssd/service
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send]
>>>> (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_message_handler]
>>>> (0x2000): Received SBUS method
>>> org.freedesktop.sssd.dataprovider.pamHandler
>>>> on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send]
>>>> (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_req_set_domain]
>>>> (0x0400): Changing request domain from [xyz.com] to [xyz.com]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler]
>>> (0x0100):
>>>> Got request with the following data
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [pam_print_data]
>>> (0x0100):
>>>> command: PAM_ACCT_MGMT
>>> ---> Access control request is received
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [ipa_hbac_evaluate_rules]
>>>> (0x0080): Access granted by HBAC rule [allow_all]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler_callback]
>>>> (0x0100): Backend returned: (0, 0, <NULL>) [Success (Success)]
>>> --> User is granted access, we're within two seconds from the first
>>> request, still.
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler_callback]
>>>> (0x0400): SELinux provider doesn't exist, not sending the request to it.
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler_callback]
>>>> (0x0100): Sending result [0][xyz.com]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler_callback]
>>>> (0x0100): Sent result [0][xyz.com]
>>> --> The selinux provider is disabled and quits immediately.
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [pam_print_data]
>>> (0x0100):
>>>> command: PAM_SETCRED
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:42 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler]
>>> (0x0100):
>>>> Sending result [0][xyz.com]
>>> --> The setred PAM target does nothing, just returns success.
>>> ...And there nothing happens for 10 seconds, at least not in this log.
>>> Is there any activity in the other SSSD logs in the meantime?
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:52 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_message_handler]
>>>> (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.service.ping on path
>>>> /org/freedesktop/sssd/service
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:52 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send]
>>>> (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:52 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_message_handler]
>>>> (0x2000): Received SBUS method
>>>> org.freedesktop.sssd.dataprovider.getAccountInfo on path
>>>> /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:52 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send]
>>>> (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:52 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_get_account_info]
>>>> (0x0200): Got request for [0x3][1][name=testuser]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:52 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_req_set_domain]
>>>> (0x0400): Changing request domain from [xyz.com] to [xyz.com]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:52 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]]
>>>> [sdap_idmap_domain_has_algorithmic_mapping] (0x0080): Could not parse
>>>> domain SID from [(null)]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:52 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]]
>>>> [sdap_idmap_domain_has_algorithmic_mapping] (0x0080): Could not parse
>>>> domain SID from [(null)]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:52 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]]
>>> [sdap_get_initgr_next_base]
>>>> (0x0400): Searching for users with base [cn=accounts,dc=xyz,dc=com]
>>> ...Until a request for user groups arrives here..
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:53 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [acctinfo_callback]
>>>> (0x0100): Request processed. Returned 0,0,Success (Success)
>>> ---> Is processed here.
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:53 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_message_handler]
>>>> (0x2000): Received SBUS method
>>> org.freedesktop.sssd.dataprovider.pamHandler
>>>> on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:53 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send]
>>>> (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:53 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_req_set_domain]
>>>> (0x0400): Changing request domain from [xyz.com] to [xyz.com]
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:53 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [be_pam_handler]
>>> (0x0100):
>>>> Got request with the following data
>>>> (Tue Jul 26 12:06:53 2016) [sssd[be[xyz.com]]] [pam_print_data]
>>> (0x0100):
>>>> command: PAM_OPEN_SESSION
>>> And the session for the user is opened here.
>>> So my conclusion from the logs is that the delay is not within SSSD. The
>>> next things I would check are:
>>>     - are there any other NSS modules in nsswitch.conf except sss and
>>>       files?
>>>     - is there any other PAM module in the PAM stack except pam_sss.so
>>>       and pam_unix and those that you would expect after IPA client
>>>       installation?
>>>     - is there anything in syslog/journal?
>>>     - if you increase the SSHD debug level, is there anything of
>>>       interest in the SSHD log?
>>>     - if you strace sshd (make sure to strace the child processes also
>>>       and include the -tt flag to see the timestamps with a high
>>>       resultion), do you see any delay there?

Petr^2 Spacek

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