This user was locked out due to Max Failure policy = 5
If they're supposed to be replicas, why the different status?

[root@il10 ~]# ipa user-status  lramey
Account disabled: False
  Server: ipa-idm-01.ipajdr.local
  Failed logins: 0
  Last successful authentication: 20160808191857Z
  Last failed authentication: 20160808191848Z
  Time now: 2016-08-09T19:57:20Z

  Server: ipa-idm-02.ipajdr.local
  Failed logins: 5
  Last successful authentication: 20160809151406Z
  Last failed authentication: 20160809194741Z
  Time now: 2016-08-09T19:57:21Z
Number of entries returned 2

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