I must have made an error again:

- ipa hbactest gives seemingly correct answer on both server and client
- user can't actually use sudo on client?

Centos 7, freeipa 4.2.o/2.156; sssd 1.14.1 from COPR

>From the server:

[root@vmdv-linuxidm1 ~]# ipa hbactest --user=lsimp...@petermac.org.au
--host=vmts-linuxclient1.unixdev.petermac.org.au --service=sudo
Access granted: True
  Matched rules: Cluster Admin Users (sudo)
  Not matched rules: Cluster Users
[root@vmdv-linuxidm1 ~]#

>From the host in question:

[root@vmts-linuxclient1 ~]# ipa hbactest --user lsimp...@petermac.org.au
--host `hostname` --service sudo
Access granted: True
  Matched rules: Cluster Admin Users (sudo)
  Not matched rules: Cluster Users
[root@vmts-linuxclient1 ~]#

[lsimp...@petermac.org.au@vmts-linuxclient1 ~]$ sudo reboot
[sudo] password for lsimp...@petermac.org.au:
lsimp...@petermac.org.au is not allowed to run sudo on vmts-linuxclient1.
This incident will be reported.

On the client, in the sssd_sudo.log I can see (debug_level=6) a number of
lines, most notably three that start "Searching sysdb with" and then follow
with all my ipa and AD groups - both groups that would give me HBAC sudo
are listed in those log entries.

What should I try next?


The most dangerous phrase in the language is, "We've always done it this

- Grace Hopper
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