Anyone ?

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Fri, 4 Nov, 2016 at 11:04, James Harrison<> 
wrote:   Hello,
I've installed FreeIPA 4.2 master using Centos and I have a Windows 2012R2 with 
its AD schema emulating a Windows 2012 system
I have established a trust between the two and it appears to work. I can 
reference a user on the AD domain, but the only way is to add the AD domain. 

The only way to ssh to the master IPA server is like this:

 ssh "x_xxxx@IPAWIN.LOCAL"@
Another example is using kinit:
I have to do the following to get a credential:kinit x_xxxx@IPAWIN.LOCAL
Ideally I would not need or use the "@IPAWIN.LOCAL". 

Can anyone help?
Best regards,James Harrison
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